

Responses from firberger

What's the best non-DAC streamer?
Thank You @hgeifman  for your concise notes . It will help me to as I am going through the same process as the OP . I also do not believe I  need to spend as much. The other interesting post was @rockenator referencing the interface . Also I plan ... 
Don't like vinyl
Excellent first post @kashani ….however when driving that restored car keep your eyes on the road to avoid the pothole. Not as easy with Vinyl...when you close your eyes to enjoy the music. Every once in a blue moon,  when that scratch is heard - ... 
Should people with no turntable or reel to reel be considered audiophiles?
@geoffkait >>>>I totally agree. The human bean brain works through impulses. Many audiophiles hear via impulses through the ears but separated In between by the vast emptiness of space.Oh my I am still laughing this thread went from go... 
Integrated Amp $1200 or less
Rogue Sphinx 2 Used  
Bookshelf speaker for an apartment
I love when folks don’t read all the posts first . Just kidding at least read the OP's posts entirely .Good luck with the new speakers . I hope they give you many years of enjoyable listening.  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Neil Young , After the Gold Rush  
Child Damage Mitigation
+1 pictaker5 perfect solutions indeed For those of you suggesting stand-mounts - be careful there as well. My 3  year old son was able to poke a hole in the tweeter of a nice pair of Mission Speakers with a pencil. How or why I will never know . A... 
Are Bowers and Wilkins speakers overpriced?
@dill you fuckin crack me up Never forget rule #1: Never listen to kenjit ....  and But James, Macintosh doesn't make amps, McIntosh does.How do you like them apples .... 😀 Pure Classic and I do have B&W , Klipsch, Celestion, Monitor Audio a... 
Usless but interesting ....how many of you old timers started with original Large Advents?
Like you offered in the subject line Interesting but useless! . Brings back a ton of fine memories . Although I went with the JBL 26's my best friend in the music world choose the large Advents . The 100' were to pricey even though they were my fi... 
$3000 stand mounted speakers?
I went through a similar Journey a year ago. However my room is much smaller  @ 13 x 15 . My list had a number of speakers already listed. Including Dynaudio Special Forty ( loved the Contour 20 much better  Maybe used $3500). ATC SCM 11 or 19 , P... 
Atma-sphere Updates
Wow just saw this thread . Ralph and Atma-Sphere have been nothing but professional and insightful in their activities on A-GON. Someone is definitely mistaken about the company and their dedicated employees. 
Need under $1500 preamp for my system
Don’t overlook a used  Atma-sphere UV-1 .  ~ $1250 It will warm up your SS amp . It is Simple and clean - oddly cool as well. 
Jerry Raskin's Needle Doctor Gone?
Having read the article - link . it appears as if the battle with cancer gave him some insight with what to do with his future.  I may be reading into this - and- fortunately it may be in remission.``````Raskin, 62, said he was retiring to focus o... 
Which belt-driven table to play Rock vinyl?
I recently upgraded as well. Similar thoughts to your described needs  and also in the same budget. I do listen to a lot of Jazz Fusion as well as Classic Rock . However,  there is no heavy metal or rap in my collection.I really wanted to go VPI a... 
Congratulations Atmasphere!
Congratulations Ralph . We all look forward to hearing more in the near future .