
Responses from ghdprentice

Additional Input device / router
@yogiboy   +1 Good choice   Use the primary two inputs on whichever preamp / integrated for your highest quality inputs and the two on the Shiit for the tape deck and other lower quality input,   
Linn Bedrok LP12 Plinth Upgrade
I would not be surprised if Linn realized after the 50th Anniversary Addition sold out very quickly there was a market for that level of cost / performance. Honestly there are probably a lot of us old guys out here that have a lot of money and are... 
Cayin D30 DAC outperforms Weiss, Playback, CH and MSB
Thanks for your comments. Says a lot given your great system. Good to hear.  I think the real important comment was you stopped listening to vinyl. That is when I realized digital was finally here for real.   
Linn LP12 turntable
The discussions of the Linn remind me of discussions surrounding Leica M series cameras. Particularly "The Leica Look". I have a full Nikon and Fuji stable and took the plunge a number of years ago and bought a Leica M10. Like high end audio, asse... 
Where to put best interconnects
@Lalitk +1  
Modular LP record storage suggestions
OP, See my profile for photos.   Mine are 15” cubes. Way Basic makes them. It used to be 15” were standard, I should have checked the dimensions. Way basic cubes are available through Amazon.  I deleted my original post with Amazon link.   
Class A\B or D for summer months (vs Class A)
I have to agree that fixing the room’s A/C. Is the duct open all the way? Can you slightly restrict airflow around the house to increase it in your listening room. Most amps add so little heat relative to the overall temperature budget in the room... 
Power Distribution - to separate source components from amplification?
Ideally two direct lines, with all components plugged into the Puritan execept the amp. The amp plugged into the other direct line. Power amp should be plugged directly into the wall. I’ve tried a couple of power conditioners made just for amps a... 
MissingCDs and records
Get well soon. My partner just had her knee replaced... the other in a couple months.  I'm not at all nostalgic about getting up to change albums... or turn off and on lights (there is Alexia), or change the home temperature (I can do it from my ... 
I am checking out these DAC's for my system
OP,  Yes you want to keep the preamp. Only in very few and specific systems does a preamp not significantly improve the sound. Great preamps are a part of nearly all great systems.   
Pass INT-25, split decision and maybe option?
+1 Yogiboy Audio Research I-50. I've directly compared them.  While the Pass INT-25 is not a overly detailed amp... and has a very good midrange... it can’t compete with the ARC I-50 on warm, natural sounding music with the details in proper p... 
The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues.
In the right room... with the right tastes. A friend of mine just bought a pair of Vivid Audio G3 S2's. Well... a different aesthetic from what I would go for. But he says they sound fantastic.  
3k budget for Turntable and Phono Noob- do I need external power supplies?
@lewm +1 Absolutely. Best you can possibly afford before extra upgrading extras. Enjoy for many hours... the phono stage will need breaking in as well as the cartridge. 200 hours of vinyl play is listening to around 500 album sides. Rega or Pro... 
Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers
@pgaulke60  +1 Sonus Faber Lilium  
The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues.
@devinplombier I have heard a predecessor. Absolutely the most incredible experience I have had in high end audio. Unbelievable holographic sound scape. If you have the money and like that kind of sound... simply amazing.