
Responses from ghdprentice

Thinking about going electrostatic
I started as a fan with Acoustat and had planar for decades. I have always loved Martin Logan. Great sounding speakers. Despite their faults they can be great fun (lack of coherence across the audio spectrum and a bit artificial space). ML has don... 
Linn LP12 turntable
@yoyoyaya I have experience with Zeiss and Sony. Different destination... very different destinations. Both are excellent in their own way. But in audio terms Zeiss / Sony is like Boulder / Magico and Leica more like Audio Research or CJ / Sonus... 
Tube Pre with Benchmark AHB2 Amp - anyone doing this?
Systems without a preamp tend to be very sterile and thin sounding... highly detailed but not very musical. Benchmark tend to be that way to start with, so cutting out a preamp is likely to net a very detailed and lifeless sound.  A tubed preamp w... 
The Streamer-Dac-Preamp Chain
Sounds like you have done some thinking about this. Your thoughts on individual components are good. I think opening about a third on each. I would consider revisiting the Benchmark Preamp... these are extremely detailed and transparent and tend t... 
I don't have experience with that amp. But do have experience with Takayuki 300Bs vs a couple other brands and the Takayuki are amazing... definitely worth it in my Woo WA5.  
Air Tight 300B Flame Out
@carlsbad2 +1 Yep, occationally a tube goes out. Hopefully it did not take out a protective resistor... but it may have. That is why they are there.   
My Analog Journey - Opinions Sought
FYI. I have an outstanding vinyl rig... top contemporary Linn LP12, Koetus Rosewood Signature cartridge, Audio Research Reference 3SE Phonostage. You can see my system under my UserID. Absolutely top rate and fabulous sounding, I’ll play a great a... 
SHIPPING speakers?
$800 to ship those speakers sounds like a good deal, Yes, this is the problem. I had buyers for a set of ribbon speakers and the $1,000 was the quote to box and ship. But there was no garentee that they would arrive in perfect condition and the bu... 
My Analog Journey - Opinions Sought
The sound quality you retrieve from vinyl versus digital is competely dependent on your components. Spending more money on the correctly chosen digital will eliminate the difference in sound quality. Sometimes, it is just swapping components to ge... 
Linn LP12 turntable
@lewm I am not aware of any Linn tube gear... but to me sounds best with tubes components and is consistent with it sound.  
Additional Input device / router
@yogiboy   +1 Good choice   Use the primary two inputs on whichever preamp / integrated for your highest quality inputs and the two on the Shiit for the tape deck and other lower quality input,   
Linn Bedrok LP12 Plinth Upgrade
I would not be surprised if Linn realized after the 50th Anniversary Addition sold out very quickly there was a market for that level of cost / performance. Honestly there are probably a lot of us old guys out here that have a lot of money and are... 
Cayin D30 DAC outperforms Weiss, Playback, CH and MSB
Thanks for your comments. Says a lot given your great system. Good to hear.  I think the real important comment was you stopped listening to vinyl. That is when I realized digital was finally here for real.   
Linn LP12 turntable
The discussions of the Linn remind me of discussions surrounding Leica M series cameras. Particularly "The Leica Look". I have a full Nikon and Fuji stable and took the plunge a number of years ago and bought a Leica M10. Like high end audio, asse... 
Where to put best interconnects
@Lalitk +1