Responses from goose
Improvements of Modwright Sony 9100ES over 999ES? I was wondering the same thing. I also have a modwright 999ES. Did others upgrade to the 9100ES or go a different route? | |
Ayre CX-7e vs. Bryston BCD-1 Thanks for the input. Another player I forgot to mention was the Cary 303/300 any thoughts on that one capared to the Ayre or Bryston? Thanks. | |
Best way to clean Piano Gloss Well I have the same type of finish on my JM Labs utopia speakers. The best that I have found is Zaino Bros. show car polish (for clear coated finishes). It is available by mail order only to the best of my knowledge. An 8 oz. bottle will last for... | |
Which cd player: New /w Mod or just plain new? Phaelon,I didn't have an opportunity to listen to the Musical Fidelity A5. I did listen to the Denon 2900 Exemplar modded player and the Esoteric player. I had to trust the reviews on the 999ES and paid particular attention to the type of sound (w... | |
Which cd player: New /w Mod or just plain new? Lkdog - PhaelonI have the full reference Modwright 999ES mod with cryo tubes. Is it the ultimate? At a total of $2,600 including the player probably not but I don't know how much you would have to spend to better it. Regarding the sub integration ... | |
Which cd player: New /w Mod or just plain new? I'm using a system that is not too dis-similar from yours. JM Labs Mini Utopia speakers, REL Stadium III sub, Herron tube pre amp, Herron Mono amps, Harmonic Technology Magic interconnects and Acoustic Zen Satori speaker cables. I am currently usi... | |
Good Amp for JM Labs Utopia Speakers There are some good suggestions above. I am using a Herron tube pre-amp and Herron solid state mono amps with my Mini Utopia's. This set-up has worked very well for me. Previously I was using older McIntosh electronics. The Herron gear is clearly ... | |
Info, please, on power cord burn-in Enclosed is a site that has all kinds of connectors for PC cable burn. A lot cheaper than the "audiophile" sites. | |
Best redbook player for under $1000 Another choice would be the Cary 303-100. A very good player and musical. | |
Your pick of CD player.... Just got my Sony 999es back from Dan from Modwright. I did own a Cary 303-100 previously and this player is better. Not fully broken in yet. Already the slight digital etch I had with the Cary is now gone with the Modwright and the soundstage is m... | |
Mini Monitors - Dynaudio and JM Labs Hello, I don't have the micro utopia Be's but am using the older mini utopia's with the REL Stadium III sub. I have found off axis listening to be very good and in geneal I don't find the speakers to be fussy about set-up. Blending the sub with th... | |
Oddball question, hooking up REL Storm III Subwoof You cannot connect your sub until you get a Neutrik Speakon cable. When connected to the sub you "high level" controls will be used for adjustments. The cable connects to the same terminals as your main speakers on the amp in the following fashion... | |
Advice needed please. I had the Cary 303/100 for a few years. I just sold it for the Sony 999ES player which I am going to send to Dan Wright for the full mod. In it's raw form the Sony doesn't sound too bad but not like my Cary. In the modded form I'm expecting great ... | |
Wife Acceptance Factor Let's face it most (not all) women just don't get the audio thing. My wife just thinks I'm half nuts when I get the upgrade bug. I try tp make sound, thoughtful purchases that don't waste money by usually buying used equipment. We have had some in... | |
Do you get Ringing in the Ears from your hi-fi? It's a real bummer to get tinnitus. One day I had perfect hearing....the next tinnitus. I don't know what caused it..too many concerts or? I do know that it makes being an audiophile very difficult since you can get distortions during playback. No... |