Responses from grannyring
Need opinions on super tweeters as an add-on Mechans,I love my current speakers and cannot find a speaker with better body, warmth, power and scale. I just tried the latest speakers from the manufacturer and while they are 8 years newer and thousands more, I much prefer the older model from ... | |
Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier Hi CkoffendYes, I think Joseph can build your pre with an HT pass through. I would email him to confirm. The 2.1 is very smooth in the treble and would be a great match with a nice SS amp like your Krell. Stage is wide and deep. One of the preamps... | |
Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier Mitch, I am trying the Dimension IC cable in my system again. I currently own his Transparency cable and use it throughout my system - power, IC's and speaker cable. I tried the Dimension before and prefered the Transparancy in my system at that t... | |
tube Watts vs solid state Watts No doubt the tube amps I have owned play louder and have more "power" then higher rated (watts) SS amps. Very much my experience. My current 45 watts monblock tube amps have more speaker driving power then all 50 - 100 watt SS amps I have owned. I... | |
Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier Welcome Frankk,My unit has two sets of outputs. I would confirm with Victor or Joseph. Tubes do have a major impact on the unit's sound. The Siemans tubes sourced by Joseph are the best I have heard in the unit. Not sure if you paid the extra cash... | |
Rich; organic true balanced amp w good detail $6k Sutts, we need John to verify if the 350A he heard was the Reference or the older standard 350A. Goodness I have owned to many amps, but the standard 350A I did not like. It was thin to my ears. The Reference 350A has much more body and weight. It... | |
Rich; organic true balanced amp w good detail $6k I have owned the Monarchy SE160's twice! I loved them and the mids are wonderful. I would say the mids are certainly more forward compared to Belles. However on my Dali Grand speakers and paired with a very good tubed preamp the Belles 350 Referen... | |
Video of Man Making Tubes From Scratch ... Wow! Thanks! I will never look or think of a tube the same way again. Like seeing a baby come into the world.GoodnessBill | |
Rich; organic true balanced amp w good detail $6k Belles amps are what you are looking for. His new monoblock amps are said to be his very best and sell for $6700 new for the pair.(Model --200) They are pretty small and run cool so they can be stacked on your rack.They are said to sound better th... | |
Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier Ralphcast is right on about AH cables. I use AH transparency cables throughout my system and they sound wonderful. They beat cables costing many times the price of the AH cables.I also love the upgraded AH preamp and find more refined as Ralphcast... | |
Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier La45, Sorry to hear about that. Get an ART SLA 1 amp on Ebay for $170 as a backup. It is very nice sounding and you will be very pleased. No kidding.I am loving my Canary 300b amps with the AH preamp! The upgrade is now fully burned in and my musi... | |
AES Cary Sixpacs and Silverline Audio Sonata III I guess loud is pretty subjective. I play music at 85 - 90db when I consider it loud. This is the average weighting (c) on my rat shack sound level meter.Interesting what loud is to one vs another.Bill | |
AES Cary Sixpacs and Silverline Audio Sonata III Your room is not to big and your speakers are quite effecient. (Silverline Sonata). 50 watts means very little as who knows how much drive one 50 watt amp has vs another 50 watt amp. I have a 45 watt Canary 300b push/pull amp that plays every bit ... | |
Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier I have my new Canary amps up and working. I have the CA309 with updated Hovland caps. Really very close to the CA339.50 watts per side out of these 70 pound tube monoblocks. They are PP 300B amps. 4 - 300B's per amp. At this point I am amazed, so ... | |
Anyone recommend a neutral tube amp? I have seen folks mention SET amps that put out only 8 watts. Amps like these are indeed great sounding, but only on a small group of high effeciency speakers. Not really an amp for the masses of speakers and not the best amp for the poster here.V... |