
Responses from gregm

Small drivers vs big drivers
@quanghuy147To make the situation more complicated, some speakers have small drivers but there are many of them. Can many small drivers compensate for the size limitationYes, they can, but it's a whole different design ball-game! Generally, smalle... 
Esoteric S-03
@teeshot did you compare the s-03 to other amps with your speakers? Yes I did—my own, a Symphonic Line Kraft 250 class A. Don't get me wrong, the sound was excellent, it's just that my own amp happened to sound even better (albeit at a much higher... 
A DAC that can make digital sound analog?
@brettmceeI have a two-box combo, received on loan and subsequently kept: devices come under the unlikely names of "3R Master-time" (reclocker / regenerator/reviver), & "Ayazi Mk-2" (DAC). They are made by a company I’d never heard of before c... 
A DAC that can make digital sound analog?
@brettmcee I am certain digital can sound as good, if not better than, vinyl and tape. I agree with you, despite being a vinyl fan. My digital rig, for example (see above), sounds similar to my TT, consistently. On occasion it sounds better: for ... 
Opinions about upgrade
It was not on my list but I see some ATC suggestions, could my hegel h160 drive these 85 db speakers? Easily, I reckon—as long as you stay with the smaller models (i.e., avoid the 50 onward) 
Vinyl vs high def audio i.e. 24bit / 96 or 192khz
Certainly not Kantian '' imperatives'' in their Mexican form@nandric, what are you on about?? AFAIK, Immanuel never travelled to Mexico :)  
Vinyl vs high def audio i.e. 24bit / 96 or 192khz
With the above said, what’s so great about Vinyl in your view? On a well set-up rig, the sound is full and natural sounding (i.e. there are no jarring frequency peaks & the phasing is good) and extended on both ends of the spectrum.But then, y... 
Opinions about upgrade
If you like the proac sound but wish to improve soundstage & frequency response, ATC is an obvious contender, a 20, 40 or used 50. Generally, of the ones you mention, the bigger Spendors & Harbeths (30 etc) offer a more complete sound in a... 
What's been your turntable ownership over the years?
My first TT was a Philips with integrated amp & detachable speakers1979 - Micro Seiki (huge—model??) had to sell1981 - Thorens 140 / SME 30091987 - Lin Sondek / Valhalla / / RB 300 then, Ittok1993 - Pink Triangle PT too / S 1001997 - >Simon... 
Esoteric S-03
I have. Which TADs are you looking at, they have numerous models?Anyway, I used a s-03 to drive Genesis Vs (~89dB, 4ohm avge). It drove them well, no clipping at high levels with difficult music (orchestral), fluid sound, solid punch, etc. Qualita... 
Kharma Ceramique 1.0 question
Is this size ok for the Kharma 1.0? Dunno, sorry, always listened to it in large rooms. Mind you, they are big so you’ll need to treat the room & engage in super-careful placement!Is there any bass? Sufficient, I would say. I listen to classic... 
The Science of Cables
I've tried diy single-core & branded cables, and I have heard differences, consistently. Ditto with various branded cables. I'm saying different, not better, worse, etc.I've often wondered what the real issue with cables is: do people object t... 
Is anything better than the Accuphase T-100?
I had one as well, back when i listened to fm radio... for a different sound (not necessarily better, just different) you could try an old tube Macintosh. A friend has one & it sounds very warm, lush & seductive - dont recall the model, sorry 
A DAC that can make digital sound analog?
As one who still listens to TTs, I would recommend a latest tech "DAC+ regenerator/re-clocker/ reviver, etc combo" —which is what I was loaned by a dealer trading-in my trusty old PS Audio PW.... To my ears (analogue, remember) the sound is excell... 
Identify System Bottleneck - Digital Front End or Preamp
Speculatively speaking, the answer to your question is the digital front-end, particularly the mac / audirvana, followed by the little Ayre.Before you change anything, however, I strongly recommend you try a "regenerating /reclocking" device (many...