
Responses from hk_fan

Audioquest DBS System
Mine just died after probably 5 years or so, easy replacement. 
Need a preamp, new or used.
I have very similar musical tastes and also use Parasound amplification (JC1's) with AQ cabling and have been really happy with my Levinson 326 preamp.The rest of my system includes a Lumin streamer, Ayre QB-9 Twenty DAC, Aerial 10T's and a JL F11... 
Is the Mytek Brooklyn Bridge or Lumin D2 good buys in 2021?
Another vote for Lumin.  I'm using their U1 Mini to my Ayre QB-9 and thrilled with the combo. 
Experiences Selling Stuff On Audiogon?
I've had nothing but great experiences selling here. 
Streaming newbie looking for guidance
I moved from a Mac Mini to a Lumin D1 Mini and the improvement was significant. 
What player to stream Amazon HD with?
I recently switched from a Mac Mini to a Lumin streamer and the improvement in SQ was significant.  Lumin does not currently support Amazon HD, but I was told by them that it should soon.I can recommend the D1 Mini, and the interface is the best I... 
Esoteric DV-50
Yes, but it's clunky - if I can't find one it's ok but I much prefer the original. 
Esoteric DV-50
I already have - nothing there unfortunately.  :( 
Need really simple advice. How do I use the DAC side of my ARC Ref CD-9SE to stream music?
Using a PC or Mac Mini is a great way to start.  I used my Mac Mini connected to my Ayre QB-9 DAC with a USB cable (I use Audioquest Diamond since you asked), and played Tidal and Amazon HD streaming services.  I recently replaced it with a Lumin ... 
spend on the streamer or on the DAC ?
They’re both really important.  I recently upgraded from a Mac Mini to a Lumin U1 Mini and the improvement was massive in my system.That said, I would start with the best DAC you can afford and plan to add a streamer as your next upgrade since you... 
Will streaming ever be "audiophile-worthy"?
I agree, it already is.  I used Tidal for a while and prefer Amazon HD but streaming is a fantastic source - in fact it's my only source! 
velodyne dd plus? still considered best of the best?
The DD subs use to be cutting edge, but like others I would not purchase one now with the new ownership and questionable support.One of the most musical subs I've heard is the Aerial Acoustics SW-12, however these are pricier than the others you m... 
Primaluna EVO 400 vs. stock Cary SLP-05 preamp?
I also vote for the SLP-05.  I owned the 05 as well as the 98 and the o5 was significantly better in my experience.  The fact that your modded 98 was better than a stock 05 is very impressive!  I'm curious to see how the upgraded 05 stacks up. 
Preamp or DAC?
@Kellen - Amen, you are not alone! 
Ayre KX-5/20 & VX-5/20 v AX-5 Twenty
I've heard both of the systems you are considering, but not at the same time and not with your Kef's so it's very difficult to provide meaningful feedback for you... however, I remember being impressed with the Ayre integrated.From my memory it of...