

Responses from holmz

Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
This guy is just messing you guys. He appears to hold a grudge. A cursory look at his posts (which is all I can bear to do) shows he is talking in circles and sometimes contradicts himself. He's gotten better at covering his mistakes but in the... 
Cable design is a lot like creating a pizza
If that same energy and human labor and time was put  instead to practical & productive use (I.e getting gainful employment), they would instead perhaps be able to buy afford, and try the same exact thing(s) they bash nonstop all day every da... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
What's important to the ear? The ear is just a transducer sending a signal to the brain. It's how the brain interprets the data that matters. Science tells us we don't all interpret our perceptions in identical ways- there is variation based on n... 
Transients hurting my ears on hifi solid state amps
Ok - WRT my contrarian and questioning post, it looks like you’ve thought it all through. well done sir!  
Cable design is a lot like creating a pizza
You are very good at obfuscation. well done sir.  
Personality Type?
A poll with the various types my be appropriate?  
Transients hurting my ears on hifi solid state amps
But you already have the PrimaLuna and like it? The reviews and measurements in stereophile look good. If the main reason to move away from tubes was the heat, then I am not sure it will get better. It seems like a sideways move to me. But I’d p... 
Cable design is a lot like creating a pizza
Refer to my post, dated 09-18-2022 at 09:32am (Indiana time) This one?   @holmz -      Maxwell's equations weren't wrong, but: there's much more involved*, when we're dealing with retaining a plethora of frequencies/voices (instrumental a... 
Dead Wax runout length on Remastered LP's
Most carts and arms have trouble as they get closer to the spindle. So it is probably better, assuming that the needle stays in the groove, and the bass notes are not forcing the grooves to touch.  
What is the best tonearm for a SOTA Nova turntable?
At least one site says; The magnets + coils assembly constitutes a miniature current generator https://www.audiophileexperts.com/blogs/guides/understanding-the-type-of-phono-cartridges    
Cable design is a lot like creating a pizza
  We’ve engaged in this conversation before, so: I suspect your queries to be more argumentative, than inquisitive. Hence: this post is more for those extant, that are genuinely interested in the Physics of what’s what with our wires. If I’m wr... 
Cable design is a lot like creating a pizza
@rodman99999 The time shows up as local time. Maxwell pretty much defined the theories that are used in transmission lines. But what part of a stereo systems is like a transmission line? Are maxwells equations correct in most settings, but wrong ... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
Yeah @noske - which country or continent is that in which your amps reside? Ralph did say, in and email, they are available in 230v, so I have to see if that is 50/60 Hz or solely 50Hz.  
Cable design is a lot like creating a pizza
@holmz Well, I was talking about the US, but yeah Italy kinda makes good pizza too. And no, despite having a few very good BBQ restaurants you’re absolutely correct that NYC can’t hold a candle to the south when it comes to BBQ. I still stick by ... 
Cable design is a lot like creating a pizza
The Church of Denyin'tology holds to the faith-based religion.      ONLY: well practiced at projection and cognitive dissonance!      I have Physics/QED (grounded by theory/experiments post 1900) to back what I believe about wires.      What...