
Responses from jafox

DIY Interconnects review
Welcome back my dear neighbor. Your most informative posts have been greatly missed the last few months.I am the "bloom" guy JD mentioned. When he had the Nordost cables last year, his system was way too analytical for me. I knew something was pos... 
CAT Preamps vs Amps
Bombaywalla - The reason my response came off as defensive was because I made an effort here to convey my observations; these descibed the strengths and weaknesses of the two preamps under test. Never did I refer to either as terrible. That (dis)h... 
CAT Preamps vs Amps
Thank you Bombaywalla for your response. Let me addres your issues one by one. And yes, I knew my comments would get people's blood boiling.First of all, as stated before, I have not heard the Tele 6922/6DJ8 tube in the CAT. I have no doubt it wou... 
CAT Preamps vs Amps
Hello Rayhall - I too wish we were closer. It is very exciting and educational to visit other audiophiles' home and try our gear in these other systems. I learned much from two local guys on the issues of PLCs and PCs specifically. The things that... 
CAT Preamps vs Amps
It's interesting to see this thread have activity again. As reported elsewhere here on A'gon, earlier this year I had a CAT UII on loan for a couple months to compare to the Io/Callisto. The consensus here is that the Sovteks in the CAT must go an... 
Safe way to change cables with tube amp on...
A agree this is not a wise thing to do for so many reasons. And putting a resistor across the amp? You plan on removing/reconnecting this resistor each and every time to swap cables on/off the amp? This only doubles the possibility of shorting the... 
The Genesis Time Lens supports all the digital formats for input and the same on the output. Not only does it handle conversion from a transport to a DAC, its primary function to "realign" the datastream brings on a multitude of sonic improvements... 
Your vote: Most Useless Audio Adjective
Hey wait a minute, I like minty....it's the color of my walls!Surprised nobody mentioned yin(g) or yan(g) or the dreadful, continuousness.And yes, Brian, you're only allowed to lift the veil when the minister has given you permission to do so.And ... 
Sonic difference between the CAT JL2 Sig & CAT JL3
Wow, roaming around on the Avalon site makes me feel like a kid in a candy store. These things are works of art.Bart, there might be some value to further research the VTL 750 amps. Albert Porter has had these for a year or so, and after much tube... 
Your vote: Most Useless Audio Adjective
Too easy: PRaT 
EMM labs upgrades for CDSD and DCC2
Just remember, removal of veils is not encouraged in all cultures. 
How can power cords make a difference?
Sorry Guido, you're too late. All tickets have been sold for this matinee. 
Sonic difference between the CAT JL2 Sig & CAT JL3
Wow, I am envious. The big and beautiful Avalons. Maybe I can bring the amps and aesthetix preamp and you bring the speakers and we can have quite a concert. 8-)As I recall from following the Avalons over the years, the Ascent and then later the E... 
How can power cords make a difference?
Shadorne: I put little technical thought into what the Audio Magic PLC is doing to improve the system. But its benefits are dramatic. Simply removing the cheapo Pioneer transport from the PLC results in a mush of sound. The degree of improvement w... 
How can power cords make a difference?
Yes exactly Shadorne - I wanted the house atop the hill so I could get all the good electrons from the power pole. But instead I get all the crummy leftovers so I gotta use these stinkin' bandaid power cables.