Responses from jafox
PAD Venustas Dazzdax: This is a tough characterization to describe. Yes, I agree, the Venustas is very refined. And because of this, there is greater delineation between the notes .... more subtle details can be heard. But because of the more "mellow" nature h... | |
PAD Venustas The perception of more information in the AA spkr cables to me resulted in listener fatigue. With the AA IC, it was not fatigue but rather the added presence and greater amplitude in the midrange and trebles over the Venustas. This brought the pre... | |
Looking for floorstanders in the 7-8K range? A medium sized pair of SoundLab speakers, like the M2-3, A3, U2, etc., would be worthy of audition. These are in your price range regularly on A'gon. There are many SoundLab owners who also have great success with the JC1's. | |
EMM transport clarification Now if we could just get EMM Labs to put a pair of Telefunken 6DJ8 tubes on the analog output stage. 8-) | |
Tube or solid state amp or amps? Andrewdoan: I have no experience with your specific speakers so I am not at all qualified to suggest what amp may be the "best". I dislike using the word "best" here because there really is no such thing as best. We all have different sonic attrib... | |
Can DAC placement cause CD player skipping? There are a lot of tube DACs out there, and I would not recommend stacking anything on top of such. However, the added mass of anything on top of a CDP or transport could very well make such a device less susceptible to external influences. As for... | |
Tube or solid state amp or amps? Phd: Yes, I did indeed get off topic here. Sorry about that.Bostonjim46: Congrats on the JL1's. I run with the JL-3's and discovered a greater degree of fullness and textures in the mids when I changed out the stock small-signal tubes. The Mullard... | |
VAC Phi 300 or CAT JL2 for the Avalon Vision? The VAC or CAT will handle the Avalons with ease. The Atmasphere MA1/MA2 would be another product line I would give much effort to audition. I think it ultimately comes down to balancing with your source and preamp sonic strengths/weaknesses. | |
Tube or solid state amp or amps? Good post Phd, but I much prefer to build a system around a preamp and speakers. And only a half a dozen preamps out there cut it for me vs. so many many great TT's, CDP's and amps. It all starts with a tube preamp. | |
Purist Audio, Venustas or Aqueous Raytebeest: I have not heard the Aqueous Anniv (AA) PC's but I have 7 Dominus B & C PCs throughout my system. The Dominus PCs regularly sell on A'gon in the $800-900 range for lengths of 1m, 1.5m and 2m. And considering this is $100-200 less t... | |
Aesthetix Io Sig vs Manley Steelhead-opinions pls Please check the archives as this was covered a couple years ago. | |
The best power conditioner for less than $1K? To answer this thread's primary question, what is the best PLC under $1k? For a passive filtering device, if the lower-priced Audio Magic Stealth is anything like the Eclipse model I run with, this could very well be the ticket to entry level PLC ... | |
Aesthetix Calypso and Berning ZH270 combo noise. "What do you mean with this? 'He said that after he rearranged his cabling, the problem was gone.'"His system is hyper-sensitive to cables touching each other, crossing over each other, sitting on the floor, etc. Such a situation would drive me cr... | |
Aesthetix Calypso and Berning ZH270 combo noise. Nr9: You have EXACTLY the same issue as my friend with the Calypso and Plinius 102 amp. When he adjusted the volume on the Calypso, everytime the volume display value was a multiple of 8, the noise was much higher. There must be some kind of stair... | |
Aesthetix Calypso and Berning ZH270 combo noise. I have a friend here who has the Calypso and his setup is by far the most critical of cable placement than any other I have heard. He has to go through a lot of effort here to get rid of the noise....but when he does, the sound is outstanding. He ... |