
Responses from jafox

Audience Au24 with high current SS amps....
Have you bypassed the fuses in the Magnepans? This seems to be a popular thing to do by many people but I never felt it was worth it for the miniscule improvement in clarity. Many times a fuse failed when the levels got high and I'm certain it sav... 
Electraglide Epiphany -X VS Shunyata
Concerning the issue of Aesthetix and power cables, I heard the EG directly to the Kubala-Sosna Emotion with the Aesthetix Callisto Signature and both were mighty nice. The EG brought a bit more detail but I suspect this could be fatiguing after a... 
Bat VK-31SE vs. 51SE. Sonic differences?
Hello Tom,I owned the 31SE for 2 years after going through various ARC preamps the previous 15 years. And having heard the Calypso (with NOS tubes) in my system, I agree on your assessment: I much prefered the 31SE on the lower half due to its gre... 
Whatever Happened To SAE?
Yes, and that big color organ in the Dimensions in Stereo back room. Mighty cool. 
Whatever Happened To SAE?
Oh yes, the Cal Stereo days. Tom Campbell and the constant commercials on KMET and KLOS. The cool rock days. What about Pacific Stereo, University Stereo, Federated Group, Music+, Licorice Pizza, The Wherehouse, etc? What we all wanted back then w... 
Revel or Vandersteins 3A's /Which is better?
Good point, Evita. Do we choose our audio system components on electrical and physical properties/theories or because they bring us closer to the event? And we all have enough experience to know immediately when something sounds natural or artific... 
Maggie 3.6 and Counterpoint NP-220
I ran Maggie 3.5 with the Counterpoint NPS400 for a couple years. This amp has the same power rating as the SA20/220 and NP220 amps. The amp performed incredibly well with the Maggies. There was never an issue of the sound being constarined. The W... 
EQ's... why doesnt everybody have one?
Onhwy brings up a point which I understand well here. The term "unlistenable" was indeed overly harsh on my point. Yes, it is a matter of semantics and taking things literally. A better way for me to have said this would have been, "less desirable... 
EQ's... why doesnt everybody have one?
Cinematic_systems: Your comments are fascinting and may have some validity to other systems, but they do not apply to my previous statements.You came to some conclusions that I hope to clarify. The preamp here is Aesthetix Callisto and Io.....thes... 
Best power amp for under 1K
Counterpoint SA or NPS series if you like a tube front end with ss output. For all ss, I would start with McCormack DNA series. 
What speakers can make a convert of Maggie lovers?
As a huge Maggie fan I agree with Greg on the shortcomings of the Maggies. I had Maggie 3.3 and 3.5 and they were so incredibly musical but Greg nails it with their weaknesses. His comments are not absurd at all as they are relative to other speak... 
Bryston Amp for Magnepan 3.5R
I respect NSGarch's view here, but after owning 3.3s and 3.5s for a combined 6 years, and having heard them with so many amps in my home and at the dealer, the Brystons were by far the least musically involving of the bunch. The issue of Brystons ... 
What speakers can make a convert of Maggie lovers?
Upgrade transport and lose Genesis Lens?
My experience exactly matches that of Listener57. But Krell_man brings up a valid point that all of us with separate transports, DACs, the Genesis, the two digital cables, multiple power cables, etc., should seriously consider.I have tried many tr... 
They don't make them like they used to...
Celebrer: Interesting you ask about the Wolcotts as these amps were ultimately what I had been seeking for so many years with the Magnepans. The Counterpoint controlled the speakers incredibly well but lacked that awesome midrange presence and ful...