
Responses from jafox

Anybody tried 20th Anniversary Purist cables?
Guido: Are you talking of Orthomyxoviridae?Nutella, if you read my first post to this thread, I give a pretty good idea of the Aqueous Anniv XLR with the speaker cables. In a word: VIVID! Too much of a good thing. Highly colored! 
Audio Research Reference CD-7
Kevinkwann: Accuracy with digital? Don't we all wish. Digital has a long way still to go to just render the decay of notes in a natural way. For me, who cares about all else that you might classify as accurate. Don't be so quick to slam a product ... 
If someone already has a 5000, then putting another $1k here could very well be a good sonic product. But forget about recouping your money anytime soon. Finding really good full-function preamps these days is tough in the under $5k range so the 5... 
Anybody tried 20th Anniversary Purist cables?
Guido: CGC in 2nd place? Interesting results. I have not heard the CGC for over 5 years but remember its fat midrange and average performance on the top. Would be interesting to hear it again one of these days.Well Chris look at it this way, with ... 
Electraglide Epiphany -X VS Shunyata
Excellent points by Tvad but why only these two models? I heard the Electroglide Epiphany X as part of a multi power -cable shootout and it was mighty impressive. But so was the Kubala-Sosna Emotion that same time. And since then, I have tried the... 
Anybody tried 20th Anniversary Purist cables?
Chris, I must admit I too had very high expectations of the AA taking my system by storm. And I liked what the one cable did in my system so much so that I kept it. But unlike any cable I have tried in a long time, this cable is very system and ev... 
VAC Ren II, VAC Phi, or ARC Ref 3?
Keithr: Very good points. 
Anybody tried 20th Anniversary Purist cables?
"I mention this only because it might be contrary to conventional wisdom to use the more colored IC from CDP to preamp,....."If a cable is colored, I can not see how any conclusion can be made that a specific link should be the place for such a ca... 
thougts on arc ref1--please advise
Mikesinger: The LS5 II came out just a couple years before the Ref1 and the LS5 III about a year after the Ref1. This was all in the 1994-1997 time. All these models are pretty much in the same boat if there is a need/desire to change old capacito... 
thougts on arc ref1--please advise
I hate to sound like a broken record, but the Ref1 simply never did it for me vs. the lower priced LS5 II and III. And this was universal of everyone I knew who owned the LS5 or who did direct auditions of both. For the $3500 or so that the Ref1 i... 
Aesthetix Calypso, Tuberolling questions?
Albert is indeed the resident guru in the Callisto and Io but Jadem6 has probably done more tube rolling and tweaking to the Calypso than anyone else out there. A good place to start is JD's review. 
Worst Name for A Piece of Equipment
Jaybo - I personally think Calypso, like Rhea, Janus, Io, Callisto, etc., are a lot more original than something called a Reference 3 Mk II Statement Signature. A little bit of light reading on moons and more moons can be interesting. 
No way,No how,Never will...
Yes, he should stick to his eardrums so that he will be able to hear the differences and benefits of power line conditioners, power cables, etc. If he sticks to the "theory" that they can not possibly make a difference, then he has no reason to ta... 
Long RCA ICs - which ones fit this bill?
I have much direct experience with MIT 330 vs. Straightwire, in this case Straightwire Virtuoso. The Virtuoso is the line above the Maestro. Throughout the late 80s to mid 90s I had used exclusively MIT 330 with ARC SP-10 and Adcom and ARC amps. I... 
Long RCA ICs - which ones fit this bill?
Tony, check this thread concerning MITs. I found that the long MIT cables were about as good a value as possible in the