Responses from jafox
Maggies & Logans: Why so many for sale? I was a Maggie 3.3 owner for a few years and then due to many issues noted by Timwat I sold these. Actually it had more to do with me not finding an amp that had enough power that I could afford AND also retain the magic of the 100w class of tube ... | |
Rock Music: 1951-1976 vs. 1977-2003 Unclejeff...the 70s were the lowest point? Oh I would say the opposite. We had the most technical and melodic material of the times: ELP, Yes, Led Zep, Jethro Tull, Genesis, Pink Floyd, Rush, Beatles solo, etc., etc., etc. Much before with a few e... | |
Rock Music: 1951-1976 vs. 1977-2003 If we are looking for the golden 25 years of R&R.....how about from 1963 to 1988 or so? | |
DAC attack ? Hello,I second Gmuffey on the DAC3 II which I had unmodified. It was a very musical product but after hearing the Electrcompaniet ECD1, the ARC was a bit too fatiguing and forward for my taste. However the ECD1 lacked some of the harmonic richness... | |
Transports and Technology I think Marakanetz over simplifies things by saying "just a computer". Software can be as complex as any hardware circuit or implementation. And D to A conversion is no easy task either. But I suspect it is the filtering and analog stages that res... | |
Exposed tonearm cable source of hum?? Hello,I think if you would specify which arm you are using, you are more likely to get specific ideas from other owners of the same. As it stands, all anybody here can do is shoot in the dark the hum problems that they have had and what they did t... | |
Aesthetix Question Wow! Smiling here. Thank you so much Albert for sharing your knowledge and experiences. Your thoroughness to describe the details is of great value here. And I did have to smile with "DESTROYED". I have read many great things about the Steelhead s... | |
Aesthetix Question Jfrech: I hope you post your abservations here on the IO Sig vs the P10SE. The strengths of the BAT that you described are exactly those that I seek more than anything else, i.e, the harmonic richness, decay, 3D. Lower noise and thus resolution ar... | |
Aesthetix Question Thank you all....I will email Albert on this thread and hopefully he can throw in his experiences here.John | |
Aesthetix Question Thanks Tireguy for your input.If there is one thing I have learned from preamp and phono stage auditions is that it's all about the power supply. The BAT units made this very clear to me over other tubed units like the ARC LS and Ref series and ev... | |
ARC LS-5 vs SP-10/11 for Plinius SA-102 Hello,I have commented over and over here about the LS5 II and III and also the SP10. I owned the SP10 for 8 years in the 80s. It was a wonderful preamp for LPs but its mediocre line stage was not worthy of CD playback. And no doubt the line stage... | |
Premier Redbook CD Transport or SACD Player? Hey, thank you for many valuable tips here. I am trying to move myself into the 21st century and yet my LP playback system seems to continue to trounce all that the 21st century digital world has brought to us. And with the recent acquisition of a... | |
Q. about ARC LS5; & running an all balanced system Oh My! The LS2 never had any business as a Stereophile rated Class A product. So many of such ratings were pure nonsense and the LS2 was a clear example as was the LS3. At least they finally were honest with the LS22's B rating!Sorry, but the LS2 ... | |
Q. about ARC LS5; & running an all balanced system Hello Steve,Look up several of my threads over the last few years as I have discussed extensively the LS5 which I owned (MK II and later III) along with the PH2 from 1995 to late 2002. I can cover my cable experiences with you in an email exchange... | |
What's under YOUR turntable? Because my Clearaudio Ref TT does not have a suspension, and that it sits atop a standard sofa table which sits on a concrete basement floor, even moderate foot traffic near this caused problems which were amplified to the speakers.I looked into t... |