Responses from jbhiller
Manley Chinook Owners Tube Rolling One other thing. I've done a bunch of rolling in my Chinook. The stock Electro Harmonix 6922s are very good. The amp was voiced with them per EveAnna 's tech Chris. Even though I roll tubes like crazy, I do admit that EH 6922s are a quiet tube.... | |
Need DAC Ideas I own the Doge 7 Tube Dac. I haven’t heard the others on your list. They have strong reputations. It’s a good time to be in the market as you have so many great options!I recommend the Doge without reservation. You might want to add the new Primal... | |
Shootout-- Primaluna Dialog HP Integrated/Carver Crimson 275/Elekit 300B @jjss49 , I would think the Carver 275 and the Spatials would mate well. I'm curious about your Harbeths. I cannot comment on compatibility of the amp because I'm driving the Cornwalls at 100dB sensitivity. | |
A Hidden "Feature" of the Cornwall IV @oddiofyl , Man, You have the Forte IVs!? I sold my Forte IIIs in December 2020 to make way for the Cornwalls. I would love to hear the IVs. I bet you are loving them. The IIIs were fantastic, and yours are certainly improved. | |
A Hidden "Feature" of the Cornwall IV Ozzy, isn’t it great to get these checks? Do you think they’d be open to direct deposit? | |
A Hidden "Feature" of the Cornwall IV I wish they were paying me! I need a benefactor here. If you’re the curious and adventurous type in the hobby, these speakers could spell trouble for you. Time to get back to the music. | |
Shootout-- Primaluna Dialog HP Integrated/Carver Crimson 275/Elekit 300B @jjss49 , Sweet! Let her run! | |
NOS Tubes - Ecstasy or Agony I feel as though there are very few hard and fast rules when it comes to tubes. I think it is always a gamble and there are ways to reduce your risk of a not so great outcome. I've experienced: Used preamp tubes lasting forever with no noise or m... | |
Phono Stage, How much do I need to spend, New or used. I was in the same spot 5 years ago. I made the plunge to a Manley Chinook. It lifted my analog to great heights. I'm not pushing that product, but trying to give you confidence to take the leap (if you can afford an upgrade). | |
Doge 7 tube DAC I have the Doge 7 Tube DAC. I highly recommend it. And I don't love everything I buy. I wish it was that easy. It takes me a long audition to truly understand a product in my system. I did a post on the unit and tube rolling in it. The stock Sh... | |
DAC- R2R, Chip or ? OP, I went with the Doge Audio 7 DAC. It's ALL TUBE--not a transistor, opamp, FET in sight. (Although I'm not anti those things). I did this for several key reasons. First, while I have no problem spending $5-7k on something, I question the ev... | |
Would This Amp Be Worth The Cost? @greywolf, Can you tell us about the rest of your system? What preamplifier are you using? What are you listening habits? How loud do you like to listen? What is it about the Classe that you like/don't like and/or reason for replacement? From w... | |
Can't believe I let myself get sucked in again. Welcome back! Give a shout out if any terms/technology escape you. So much has happened, especially in the digital world, since you've been gone! PS I'm a vinyl guy who admits digital has come of age! It sounds, or can sound, super now. PPS. ... | |
Shootout-- Primaluna Dialog HP Integrated/Carver Crimson 275/Elekit 300B @jjss49 , once again I agree with you. Put me on your mailing list! By the way, the Carver is staying in my listening room. Since the Elekit is such a specialized piece of equipment it has a place here. The PL is going! She served me well. | |
Magico Customer service Many moons ago,I had top of the line Monitor Audio monitor speakers. When I was cleaning I stupidly moved them and sat them down face first on a sofa. One of the graphite baskets cracked due to the weight of the massive magnet on the woofer! Un... |