

Responses from jbhiller

My conclusion: mid level $$ analog vs digital
I've thought about this subject too.  It's hard to draw a conclusion because you could spend similar amounts of money on digital and analog and windup in the same place or drastically different places.  Further, spending smart and finding synergy ... 
Intimate, warm and holographic alternative
I also love the metaphor above: people who like full range drivers are barking up the right tree 
Intimate, warm and holographic alternative
I agree that Tannoy and Klipsch Heritage (newer the better) are right in the ballpark of a real solution. If I was trying those makes out I’d lean towards valve amping them—yet I’d surely be open to trying some SS too.  Keep us posted on your deci... 
Klipsch Cornwall IV
exactamundo jjss49 !  
Carver 275 Crimson tube amp --- any feedback appreciated
@gumbypimp ,  Here we are 18 months later and I have a Crimson 275 here (for about 3 months now).  It has bested my Primaluna Dialogue HP Integrated--a fine amp in its own right. You are correct--it has a level of realism and, in my view, musicali... 
MQA is for chumps
Great video Fuzztone. The good news is unlike other hardware and software formats, I don’t have money invested in this one, and the alternatives sound great. So, I’m not stuck or vested in it. When I had an NAD M51 DAC , I could hear a difference ... 
Klipsch Cornwall IV
Placement of the Cornwall was, for me, surprisingly more difficult than I expected.  At first, the sound was so big and beautiful that I thought they were easily positioned.  I was wrong.  I literally had to get out the tape measure to ensure they... 
Decoupling for Cornwall IV's
@jayrossi13 ,  are you using these on Cornwall IVs?  I thought Klipsch recommends keeping a full flat surface on the speakers.  If you like them, regardless, I may try them. I used Subdude giant subwoofer isolation pads on my Forte IIIs.  They are... 
Klipsch Cornwall IV
I don’t think music is authored on inexpensive amps and gear. In fact, the studios I’ve been to all had hundreds of thousands of dollars of gear. Not a cheap amp to be found. Certainly live venues might be using Crown and inexpensive amps for play... 
What capacitor would you use to upgrade Wharfedale Linton 85th Anniversary?
Hey adg101,  I agree with you wholeheartedly.  I should've noted that when I say the Lintons got "stuck" hooked to that Marantz it's only because they sounded so great together in a media room. I put the upgrade on hold because the Lintons are ser... 
Second opinions — how have others (including non-audiophiles) helped you?
This is one the best threads of 2021. The topic is intriguing and the responses have me thinking about things in new and different ways.  Thank you folks! Seriously.   
The Doug Macleod appreciation thread
I know this thread is aging fast.  What a great thread though.  I just had to pop in late to the Doug MacLeod party.  I bought a $10 Doug MacLeod video guitar lesson a year ago.  It was amazing.  Because of my skill level, I scooped up about 3-4 t... 
What capacitor would you use to upgrade Wharfedale Linton 85th Anniversary?
If anyone needs the schematic, PM me.  Already got you mgrissom. My Lintons got stuck in a media room.  I can't get them out.  Why?  They are hooked to a $750 Marantz receiver playing television and movies.  That combo is wonderful.  None of that ... 
Are Preamplifier’s Relevant Today or just a Hinderance with Digital Playback ?
Great thread OP!Certainly, I think this is somewhat system dependent. Overall though, I like preamps much.  I have the ability to use my DAC's volume control or run it direct to the preamp.  I prefer using a preamp with it for the same reasons oth... 
Definitely lonely to be an audiophile
Plus 1, Ghdprentice.