
Responses from jetter

Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Thank you Charles, its good to know there wasn't something simple and big picture I was missing.And I wasn't checking to see if Geoff might have exaggerated his facts a little to make a point, I know he would never do that. 
PS Audio BHK 300 mono VS Modwright KWA 150SE mono VS D'agostino Classic stereo
I may have read a negative on this but can't find the post.  I am thinking of getting a pair of CS3.7s.  Would a high power class D ice or ncore amp with a tube pre fit the bill?  Or would it all end up too dry up top?Thanks,George 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Hi Charles and anyone who cares to chime in,This may be the wrong place for me to post this, but since this tread has also become partly a directionality discussion pardon me if I do, and its short.I have not tried the fuses, admittedly because my... 
Thiel Owners
Thanks Robin and unsound, for clearing up that it is only the deepest octaves that are lacking.  In that regard I unconditionally like subwoofers anyway and will always have a couple.I have shied away from Thiels in the past because there was alwa... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Exactly! 😀Hah!You mean the "In fact, I'd go so far as to say your arguments would probably sway almost anyone, especially a newbie, who has not already heard directionality for himself."You big bully!  Even throwing in an unhappy Emoticon.  Really... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
I don't see any flaw in Al's discussion points.  None whatsoever.   
Quack System Upgrades
astro58go, sorry my bad. 
Thiel Owners
unsound,why is it that the 3.7 has a 10" woofer and a 10" passive and still lacks bass?  Seems almost like you would have to have designed the bass out of the speaker.  I am interested in the 3.7. 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
Hi grannyring,I am using mine in my second system unmodified.  I was going to have it modified, but read online a number of people who say the mods change the sound, but that whether it is for the better is subjective.My go-to audio electrician ti... 
Quack System Upgrades
BJC is a company that spends their workday doing nothing but making cables.  It was mentioned above that they will not state that they believe in cable burn in or wire directionality.One explanation may be that they don't want to make representati... 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
Forgot to mention it loves the older Mullard el34s. 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
You could consider a Dynaco ST70 that has been recently checked out.It is the greatest selling amp of all time and still considered very musical. 
Dielectric grease on connection ends
I was assuming (please don't give the overused definition of assume) that if a component has power that it would be full power, all or nothing if you will.  I never thought that cleaning the outlets and pc prongs could make a sonic difference.Does... 
Wrapping Up 2016
bdp24, so good to hear.  May our good fortune and that of our friends continue into the new year!George 
Dielectric grease on connection ends
geoffkait"I would be remiss if I didn't add that ALL CONTACTS in the house should be cleaned and enhanced including all non audio wall outlets and power cord plug prongs."I have to call you on this one.  Have you ever cleaned any wall outlet or po...