
Responses from jetter

Synergistic Red Fuse ...
I think there is something that should be mentioned.  It's judgmental to talk negatively about people who may not think that buying 10 or 15 fuses is worth the sonic improvement and may experience "cognitive dissonance".  Some people may have more... 
Wrapping Up 2016
bdp24, never to late to change bad habits and start a regime of physical exercises, whatever you are up to.  You can do it. 
Quack System Upgrades
I'm the kid with the lemons, but I was using alligator clips for non electrical purposes when not much older than him. 
Quack System Upgrades
"They don't believe in cable directionality making a sonic difference. IME, this doesn't hold water."You may not think their wire achieves the proper status for your system, but regarding the cable directionality issue, I would counter that every ... 
Signal Cable -- High End Generic?
I love it when someone picks up an eleven year thread, but jafant, you should have waited 2 days for it to be exactly 11 years.  Just to be clear, I think these test of products over time comments are way cool. 
Quack System Upgrades
Audiophile prepping his system: 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
+shadorne  Note he said "is going to transform their system in a significant way?" and "To me a significant way should be akin to changing your TT cartridge or speakers."  
Quack System Upgrades
"If a cable used in a recording studio has a certain coloration, you don't use the same cable in the playback system, you use cables and components that are transparent so that the system can reproduce the sound of the cable in the recording studi... 
Wrapping Up 2016
Hi bdp,I will gladly split the difference with you for 15 years.Today, sorry to hear about Carrie Fisher, Princess Leia, meeting our maker.  The scene in Star Wars where she is holographed out was just spectacular, to us sci-fi fans.Happy New Year... 
Wrapping Up 2016
Hey randy, sorry and yes the Predators slipped my mind, just an oversight.  Thinking of ponying up $600+K to put the wamms in my den.   Bdp24, I hear you, think the same.  I'm not sure whether it was more people passing in 2016, or just being more... 
Quack System Upgrades
I have no problem with Canare speaker or interconnects, or Morgami for that matter.  I did find the Beldon not my cup of tea. 
Wrapping Up 2016
jm, I did miss it!, and also to echo your best to all in the new year. 
Quack System Upgrades
Interesting concept mb1,One could argue that that the cables sold by Blue Jeans are the identical wire that most likely a good amount of the music we listen to were recorded with.  So then somehow cost no object cables are reversing the effect of ... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Good to hear regarding David! 
*****Merry Christmas Everyone*****
The best to everyone today and in the new year!