

Responses from jond

My thermostat plays Jazz and I don't know what to think about that.
Erick you obviously got the deluxe model just replaced the HVAC here for $7K with a smart thermostat but no Alexa and no tunes. My poor tube amps will have to suffice. 😉  
Is simpler better?
Well said @jjss49 better is indeed better. There are certain functions I prefer to keep separate, streamer and Dac, preamp and amp. So far it's worked for me and the sound quality is fantastic to my ears.  
3C24 tube amp recently converted to 812 ouput power tubes.
Congrats Dan! The 812 tube is a new one to me but they look like they're pretty cheap an added bonus.  
Amp to pair with FM Acoustics 122/245 combo ?
You have an awesome collection of systems rost!  
Selling gear made to be a set
It's much easier to sell two pieces individually than as a set usually is all I'll say.  
Concerning high end audio names in new cars
I have a "Fender tuned" system AKA Panasonic in my 2017 VW GLI and I think it sounds just fine. I wasn't expecting much after all I am listening in a car.  
Moving again...system finally complete...back to starting over
At the very least you should keep those Spendors fantastic speakers.  
I'm thinking about a low watt tube amplifier?
I don't think a 4 watt amp and your speakers will work very well I thought that 97db didn't sound right as WB speakers are not known as being very efficient. If you don't listen to loudly in a smallish room you can probably get away with a 20 watt... 
JADIS DEFY7, can not get it to sing
Are you sure it's safe long-term running just the 4 output tubes and leaving those other slots empty?  
Used vs new Tube mono amp? - same model
Assuming the older amp is performing to spec it really shouldn't make any difference.  
Can a system sound too Holographic?
+1 @larsman   
Shindo vs the world
@lalitk Having heard both Shindo and Wolf Von Langa you're on a great track there! And to the OP my one friend who had a full Shindo system sold it to help fund opening a restaurant. So it's not always something better that necessitates a sale!  
UPDATE. ARC REF 6 upgrade to 6SE.
Very fast turnaround especially considering the recent sale of ARC congrats trackman!  
Why are speaker stands so expensive?!
My Sound Anchor 3 post stands were $500 I bought them same time as my speakers and they were a worthwhile investment rock solid.    
Question re: Aurender N20 Server, Qobuz album takes 10-15 seconds to start playing
hgiefman that download speed is crazy high something definitely seems out of whack, your upload speed seems normal. I hope the service call straightens things out for you.