Responses from jpwarren58
Efficient speaker: Zu, Tekton, Volti, Klipsch, Fleetwood? You cannot put 6-15 drivers in a cabinet and expect solid sound. Impossible. Unless the cabinet is the size of a Volkswagen. Sorry. Neither head nor shower. | |
2022 Audio System Wish List and thoughts about streaming A stand alone streamer. With an app conducive to android and ease of use. Neither Mrs. nor Mr. Howell. | |
Share albums where EVERY SINGLE song is good I tend to fall in the skeptical camp as no such thing exists. Classical selections demand multiple upon multiple purchases. However the sublime Requiem of Mozart all but precludes mediocrity. Neither wick nor candle. | |
2022 is almost here. Why are you here? Why am I here and not there? But if only a few would go there. Trying to learn and slowly wading towards the deep end. Neither Orlando nor Tony. | |
Architectural Digest finally shows audio gear! If only Jay-Z had a gold toilet. Then Chuck aka Asian much speak poor Yoda praise rooftops to him. Neither belt nor seat. | |
Nietzsche and Runaway Audio Consumption I for one am a Pastafarian. Neither nay nor yay. | |
Are tubes psychological? If only we could measure psychological. Neither loop nor belt. | |
flabbergasted with reviews on speakers Reviewers should reveal their room size and any treatments. Unless it is ficus trees. Then all bets are off. Neither cheese nor chalk. | |
Nietzsche and Runaway Audio Consumption School begins anew upon awakening in the morning. N may have been the last of the romantics. There is a noble aspect in complete materialism in its philosophical definition. As to M and Blake they may be tilting at windmills. Impossible to know w... | |
Nietzsche and Runaway Audio Consumption Apologies to all. M has gotten me to rethink the importance of mysticism in dealing with the vagaries of life. Just exhorting brevity and making a point as to how we are living an experiment with neither goal nor control. Merry Christmas to all. ... | |
Nietzsche and Runaway Audio Consumption Mahgister, You do simplify things though your posts makes Faulkner a monument of succinctness. Yes, I know English is not your first language. Folks desire to explain things. When things move fast or become very complex simplistic (or convoluted... | |
Beautiful Music That Reduce You To Tears Mercy By Mary Gauthier Neither bone nor wish. | |
Nietzsche and Runaway Audio Consumption But are we choosing? Hundreds of thousands of images especially during our formative years pulling us hither and thither. And forget the theories. We are the experiment with no controls. Not sure we or the theorists have a clue as to the outcome. ... | |
Nietzsche and Runaway Audio Consumption btw significant Materialists to name a few (and Deists should count along with any who believe "God" has no interest in our affairs or "souls".) Lucretious Darwin Marx Shaw Neither Tophit nor Aphor. | |
Nietzsche and Runaway Audio Consumption There is something going on in modern first World society that challenges much of past philosophy. No conspiracy or master plan but an incoherent commercialization of culture promulgated by newspapers, advertisements, films, tv, radio, photography... |