
Responses from jpwarren58

How do you know when a stereo sounds good?
When I dance. Not a good thing.but does prove the stereo is doing its job.  
Fancy Fuse for Regenerator?
Purple Friday coming soon.   
Adding an ignore list feature to audiogon
I think tommylion is ignoring us.  
Is advice from a constant upgrader to be avoided
Hey arch2, ebm has a spreadsheet where he gets bonus points for any response to his posts. He does keep it short, however....hint, hint mahgester.  
Innuos owners. Chime in
For what it's worth I have had superb customer support from Innous overseas and their domestic dealer.    
Is advice from a constant upgrader to be avoided
Nothing wrong with reading what "flippers" have to say. Nothing wrong with reading what "possessers of perfect sound" have to say. Just try to read the tea leaves. Laugh at irony, challenge bluster, pity insecurity, and expose hidden motives.  
Days of Our Lives
Echoes is a program that airs mostly on public radio stations. Ambient, electronic music is the main focus, but the host will go off a tangent.  
Replacement for current speakers suggestions
Best wishes to you and good luck on your audio journey. Kudos for taking MC to task for his condescending manner. My wife did retail for 40 years and she no longer "does rude nicely." I just sit back and applaud.   
"warm" solid state integrated amplifier
Disagree with tuberist 80%. Pretty sure Chuck knows his age. Spring for the springs and let us know. Or buy a new amp and let us know. Some good suggestions. May your search be successful.  
suspending monitors from the ceiling
Proper positioning may take some precise and pia experimentation.   
What song have you played the most?
Not sure who jay-ku is but he got me to listen to Drawn Out Like an Ache by Lorn. Winner for most aptly named song. If I played this over and over again my wife would commit me....and I would sign off.  
What's Going On?
Re Fuse To Rise To  The Bait.  
What are you streaming tonight?
Love Me Hardly The Pink Stones  
Adding a “safe haven” forum for discussion of tweaks?
There once was a man from Nantucket Who decided to tweak an old bucket The handle was lean being of weak timbre So he used lots of goo and tape duct it.  
Adding a “safe haven” forum for discussion of tweaks?
Against the idea. But if it comes to fruition tweak the title of the sub-forum to Madhatters and Enfusiasts. Also once again someone posts you have to buy and try the product to have an opinion. Balderdash. Not possible. Have to peel away the mar...