Responses from jpwarren58
Nietzsche and Runaway Audio Consumption There is something going on in modern first World society that challenges much of past philosophy. No conspiracy or master plan but an incoherent commercialization of culture promulgated by newspapers, advertisements, films, tv, radio, photography... | |
Beautiful Music That Reduce You To Tears Lucinda's cover of Jimi's "Angel." Neirher set nor drum. | |
Nietzsche and Runaway Audio Consumption No, N is not nihilist. Rejects religion and morals, but replaced it with a convoluted and somewhat romantic notion of the "superman." Not an armadillo. | |
Nietzsche and Runaway Audio Consumption Nietzsche was wrong about many things. Just as you and I are. Love the twisted interpretations of Jesus's teaching regarding money. Justification for preacher mansions and private jets while the unwashed pew dwellers clap. Jesus wept. And whip... | |
Brian Eno's Turntable Design I believe Phillip Glass played a part in Ambient music before Eno. What is with the invective against musicians...these folks are our ultimate source. Just say not my cup of tea and quit revealing your crass and boorish incivility. Neither Pat... | |
Brian Eno's Turntable Design Eno is a very significant musical creator and influencer. TT is capitalism at work. And strange Chuck has not weighed in as he is a Roxy boy and TT savant. Neither strap nor chin. | |
Why Are People So Concerned About How Others Spend Their Money? Any reviewer takes price into account. Most folks do the same before making significant purchases. I am grateful to those who question fluff and bring a skeptical mind to our hobby. Not envy or questioning one's choices. Just evaluation of a produ... | |
How much gear do you own? Too much but been comparing and learning a bit. 4 A/B integrated 2 class D integrated 1 sacd player 1 cd player 1 transport 5 tuners 1 receiver 2 dacs 1 streamer 11 sets of speakers Neither Robin nor Hood | |
Two of the most powerful words ever How about More cowbells! Also why do so many bands have two drummers these days and what must the roadies think about this new state of affairs? Neither Willie nor Wonka. | |
The Audiophile Community Has a Problem: Part Deux The Saga Continues? Yes there is a problem. Not sure there is a solution other than to ignore flame monsters. Now fantasy claim monsters are another story. Neither Tony nor Tiger. | |
Why recordings made before 1965 sound better. When did the vinyl become thinner? Hard to believe that didn't impact the sound. Neither Amos nor Andy. | |
Introspective of this forum: "Does the Audiophile Community Have a Promlem?" I Say yes!!! He that is without sin cast the first stone. Is that a red or blue stone? Some folks take all of this way too seriously. Do they have too much skin in the game? Insecurity buttressed by intolerance. And no one gets to define sin except the jud... | |
Tree in listen room disburse You are a tiresome plant. I am not Bannon's barber. | |
Bully pulpits Self installing oneself to an invented pulpit on an anonymous internet forum recalls Caesar's walk to the Senate. Or maybe a hunting trip with Dick Cheney. Or even being hired by 45. Not Ray Bradbury. | |
Something Millercarbon has preached Be A Better Listener. Do not get mired in data. Data is fine and has a place. And learning to listen does not hurt. But splitting hairs and being self absorbed is a wasteland. Just get up and dance. |