
Responses from jpwarren58

Audiophile Priorities and Recent Topics
Great post.By the way everything does Not matter when it comes to audio. Inane prop for some whose insecurity fuels a borderline obsession disorder.Reminds me of the Protestant arguments and divisions over Baptism. Historical investigations all we... 
thought on eBay?
Major issue with EBay purchases is....wait for it....wait for it.....peanuts.  
Quantum Science Audio Thread
"Real curious to hear the different effects."Betraying bias; portraying a cultist attitude.  
The "Snake Oil" Trope
As if the op can encapsulate terminology with 19th century implications. Words evolve. Get over it. Snake oil exists in our world. If one chooses to keep the blinders on more power to you.  
Quantum Science Audio Thread
Is it the goo or the paint?Ceramic or metal choice?I get the bottleneck issue but the prices are just insane.  And why don't the manufacturers get on board if the sound improves so dramatically?  
So where should the tubes be?
Just lurking and learning. Why do the number of tubes in a component vary so greatly?  
Nirvana sued over "Nevermind" cover photo
He will circumsional evidence at trial. Too many lawyers.   
When are people going to wake up and realize listening is a skill?
Circular logic + massive ego = self delusionBut there is a degree of good advice sprinkled throughout .  
How's the water?
Putting a value on statusWill cause people to competeHoarding treasureWill turn them into theivesShowing off possessionsWill disturb their daily livesThus the Sage rulesBy stilling minds and opening heartsBy filling bellies and strengthening bones... 
How's the water?
One more thing Chuck. It seems that blather is your current word of the week. Why not tweak it up a notch to palaver? (How about that current reference? And I wasn't even trying.) 
How's the water?
 Did anyone listen to the commencement address? For folks who examine and hash out every detail of audio equipment.....not to equally examine your motivations is pure sloth and smugness. Fuzztone...are you making a joke about his battle with depre... 
ORANGE Fuse rejected
Old news. Orange fuse rejected last November.  
Rank the tweaks, geeks!
The greatest tweak is determining what you can hear.  (can we train our ears to hear better? at any age? not so sure) Don't let peer experience and/or purchase bias enter into the equation. My best tweak is a grain of salt.  Also avoid audio compu... 
Lay Off the Newbies!
Ironic that we search for perfect audio and listen to (mostly) uplifting music but neglect to perfect ourselves and uplift others. Nothing wrong with disagreements and robust discussion but for some their incivility is the beginning and the end.  
Lay Off the Newbies!
Sometimes replies can betray insecurities revealing an unexamined life.