Responses from jsd52756
Anybody here buy a cartridge from 'highendbroker' ? Just to add 2juki on Ebay is definitely good people. This is from personal experience not hearsay. -John | |
Anyone at home at Krell? Thanks for the update cleeds. I have an amp there for capacitor(s) and service. Been there since mid April. I will say though that the service department's phone mailbox has been full for months. Email is the way. Takes a bit for a reply bu... | |
Check Your Tidal Accounts for Unauthorized Users/Fees You piqued my curiosity so I just looked at a few things. No other users or charges, but there are albums I have no idea who they are or why they are on my album list. I always figured Tidal put them there as an advertisement.I have noticed tha... | |
Infinity Renaissance 90 Piano Black There is a lot of info on infinity-classics.de It is THE Infinity go to site.If MagicMarsky cannot help, perhaps try to locate a pair of the Ren 80's as I believe they use the same EMIM & EMIT. I had kept a 2nd pair of Ren 90's around for a... | |
The stereo sounds fine, music is great, but Jeff Bezos came back to earth. After a brief intermission we are now back to our regularly scheduled audio discussions. | |
I plan on checking this out Nice article. Thanks | |
What is your favorite album cover? Brain Salad Surgery & Ambrosia's Road Island. It's a Ralph Steadman drawing. Court of the Crimson King is music room wall art. One of the best. | |
Do you care about car audio? Folks talking about "the old days." I had a Concord in the dash with a cassette player. Super good in dash unit.Now a days the best improvement I have heard is listening to Radio Paradise. | |
Do you care about car audio? Good timing for this post. The other afternoon driving through the canyon heading home & Stairway To Heaven came on. 2020 Ram with really good stock sound system. I cranked the piss outa it. I was digging the drive, song & day. Every... | |
Dedicated AC line - Contractor wants to use BX instead of romex Everything has pros & cons. Romex and you are stuck with what you installed without opening up the walls. BX & you have the same. Use 3/4" flex and there is room to pull more wire through any time in the future. Even a sub panel. Almo... | |
Stop compressing our bloody music!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks George. I'll check it out. -John | |
Stop compressing our bloody music!!!!!!!!!!! Mr. Naïve here...Is there a site that explains all this "compression" in simple terms? I am gathering this only pertains to digital/CD type music & not LP's.I look at the site "Album List-Dynamic Range" etc. Tull is one of my favorites, but ... | |
Sending a 110 lb amp to the manufacturer for cleaning/calibration. Good idea? How to ship? I see in forums folks recommending replacing caps after XX amount of years. I have a Krell FPB amp from around 2000. It sounds perfect still to this day. There are folks here that forgot more than I'll ever know about audio equipment. But for ... | |
Cat Scratch Fever? Since this is a BS post & doesn't belong here, I will try to deflect. "Turn me on" was used as the intro in a 70's low tech form of entertainment. Anyone in SoCal see Laserium at the Griffith Observatory? Loud,cranked up JBL's I think? Yup ... | |
How loud are you typically listening? Never checked till now. Downloaded the app while listening to Stormwatch/Tull album on a Bose Mini II Soundlink located 8 feet away.Gage read 69db average. Higher than I would have guessed. My wife seems to usually come in to the main stereo ro... |