

Responses from jsd52756

Anybody here buy a cartridge from 'highendbroker' ?
Just to add 2juki on Ebay is definitely good people.  This is from personal experience not hearsay. -John  
Anyone at home at Krell?
Thanks for the update cleeds.  I have an amp there for capacitor(s) and service.  Been there since mid April.   I will say though that the service department's phone mailbox has been full for months.  Email is the way.  Takes a bit for a reply bu... 
Check Your Tidal Accounts for Unauthorized Users/Fees
You piqued my curiosity so I just looked at a few things.  No other users  or charges, but there are albums I have no idea who they are or why they are on my album list.  I always figured Tidal put them there as an advertisement.I have noticed tha... 
Infinity Renaissance 90 Piano Black
There is a lot of info on infinity-classics.de   It is THE Infinity go to site.If MagicMarsky cannot help, perhaps try to locate a pair of the Ren 80's as I believe they use the same EMIM & EMIT.  I had kept a 2nd pair of Ren 90's around for a... 
The stereo sounds fine, music is great, but Jeff Bezos came back to earth.
After a brief intermission we are now back to our regularly scheduled audio discussions. 
I plan on checking this out
Nice article.  Thanks 
What is your favorite album cover?
Brain Salad Surgery & Ambrosia's Road Island. It's a Ralph Steadman drawing.  Court of the Crimson King is music room wall art. One of the best. 
Do you care about car audio?
Folks talking about "the old days."  I had a Concord in the dash with a cassette player.  Super good in dash unit.Now a days the best improvement I have heard is listening to Radio Paradise.   
Do you care about car audio?
Good timing for this post.  The other afternoon driving through the canyon heading home & Stairway To Heaven came on.  2020 Ram with really good stock sound system.  I cranked the piss outa it.  I was  digging the drive, song & day.  Every... 
Dedicated AC line - Contractor wants to use BX instead of romex
Everything has pros & cons.  Romex and you are stuck with what you installed without opening up the walls.  BX & you have the same.  Use 3/4" flex and there is room to pull more wire through any time in the future.  Even a sub panel.  Almo... 
Stop compressing our bloody music!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks George.  I'll check it out. -John 
Stop compressing our bloody music!!!!!!!!!!!
Mr. Naïve here...Is there a site that explains all this "compression" in simple terms?  I am gathering this only pertains to digital/CD type music & not LP's.I look at the site "Album List-Dynamic Range" etc.  Tull is one of my favorites, but ... 
Sending a 110 lb amp to the manufacturer for cleaning/calibration. Good idea? How to ship?
I see in forums folks recommending replacing caps after XX amount of years.  I have a Krell FPB amp from around 2000.  It sounds perfect still to this day.  There are folks here that forgot more than I'll ever know about audio equipment.  But for ... 
Cat Scratch Fever?
Since this is a BS post & doesn't belong here, I will try to deflect. "Turn me on" was used as the intro in a 70's low tech form of entertainment. Anyone in SoCal see Laserium at the Griffith Observatory? Loud,cranked up JBL's I think? Yup ... 
How loud are you typically listening?
Never checked till now.  Downloaded the app while listening to Stormwatch/Tull album on a Bose Mini II Soundlink located 8 feet away.Gage read 69db average.  Higher than I would have guessed.  My wife seems to usually come in to the main stereo ro...