

Responses from jsd52756

Any Audiophile Quality Internet Radio Stations Out There?
Radio Paradise makes the worst recorded music sound really really good. Dunno how they do it, but they do it well. Absolutely amazing.Djohnson: Thanks for the radiobit link!  Super cool.-John 
Best amp for Wilson Sabrina
When I was searching for an amp I seriously considered Simaudio.  But when I looked at how close the speaker terminals are I was darn near terrified.  They are crazy close.  If one wanted to use bare wire, one little errant strand and POOF it woul... 
Audiophole Music - Not well known
I like listening to "Radio Paradise" as they play some really obscure music and the sound quality is top notch.  I have discovered many new artists that seem to fit your search.  They have a couple different channels to choose from.  Good luck &am... 
Built a DIY butcher block and iron pipe rack over the weekend
Really nice job!  Looks awesome & functional.  I did the same as uberwaltz, using threaded rod.  Got 6 foot lengths of 3/4" threaded rod with black oxide on the rods, nuts & washers.  Wife likes it, so everybody's happy.  
Why high-end cable manufacturers don't post measurements?
Where's TESTPILOT when you need him?-Answer to OP question- "Because they didn't have a tape measure". 
Legacy Cardas Quadlink
Sorry I haven't heard the two to compare, but I use the 5-C and have stuck with them for many years.  I had swapped them out for Golden Reference and went back to the 5-C.  These are balanced only, I do not have any speaker or single ended.  I'm t... 
What do/did you do for a living?
Own a aerospace fastener distribution company for over 35 years.  
Favorite song to demo or test drive speakers?
Paula Cole "Tiger"Her vocals & the base will test a few extremes. 
You saw ELP at the Civic!  Evidently that puts me in the cool factor as well.  With Kieth crawling all over his Moog assy.  And I also agree about Genesis & their recorded sound quality.  It was like having a towel over the front of the speake... 
Sam here again.Is new remastered vinyl fake vinyl?
Hey Sam, I kind of agree to an extent.  Some LP's were so good originally having that 16 track tape sitting around for 40 years crystallizing can't be good for it.  On the other hand some of the 40 year old music was so poorly mastered by some bon... 
What was your most disappointing album purchase?
"Ummagumma" by Pink Floyd.  Only LP I used for skeet. 
Youngsters these days.
I'm kind of like the OP.  I have all this old(er) type equipment as well.  I'm in my 60's and like it all.  It makes me happy and that's what matters.My wife & I joke about when we kick the bucket our daughter will break out the snow shovel an... 
Ksa 300s
sfstereo:  That is an extremely good point that I had completely forgot about.  FWIW - I was using balanced. 
Ksa 300s
I had a KSA200s & it was dead quiet.  I could turn the volume quite high with nothing playing & it was like it was not even on.  I was using a Krell pre amp as well if that matters.  On a sad note the KSA did fry itself after a while and I... 
Another sad tale, hopefully Ian can make plans and peace with the world
Number one Tull fan here. Ian has always been a bit different in more ways than one. When I read about him dumping Martin Barre like a hot rock a while back and what Martin had said about it, I thought he’s really flipped his lid. Ian stated that ...