

Responses from jsd52756

Input limited
I Use a Goldpoint switch which works perfect for my application.  Perhaps it will suffice for yours also.  Scroll to the bottom of the home page for various box options.  https://www.goldpt.com/    
Has anybody bought or heard a Chinese knock off amplifier?
Yogiboy:  That's the fella!  The into:  I believe that's where the shop was, right off the 405.  My dad bought my big bro a bicycle from Muntz in around '63 or so.  That guy sold all sorts of things. Including the Craig 8-track in our station wagon. 
Has anybody bought or heard a Chinese knock off amplifier?
Yogiboy, that Crazy Eddie thing is a riot. We used to have "Mad Man Munz" in So. Cal.  You could trick out your Plymouth wagon with a bad ass 4-track system.  
Cullen or Triode Wire Labs power cord?
I use the cheapest Triode model and they work fine.  The 12 plus & Ten plus.  They are 10 years old & have never moved since plugged in.I like and build. Editorial:  I would rather fly to Hawaii for the $1399 he is asking for the Obsession... 
Analog Lp
I tend to agree with chakster 100%.  None of the ones I have purchased sound as good as my originals.  I'll take the pops & ticks and like them.-John 
Mistakes I’ve made
I borrowed the Ten Years After LP, "A Space In Time" from an acquaintance around 1977.  Saw him at a get together in 2016.  Then we were all to meet for dinner in 2018 so I brought the LP with me and returned it.  We all got a kick out of it.  It ... 
So That's Where my Hazelnuts Went!
Back in the early 80's while we were building our house we lived in a 50' mobile home.  I was trying to turn the dial on my Sansui 8080 and it was stuck.  I took the cover off and low & behold there was about a dozen pieces of dog food on top ... 
Earplugs at concerts back in the day
I started shoving tissue in my ears 25 years or so ago at concerts.  Then about 20 years ago I had forgot some at a Heart concert at Universal Studios.  Huge mistake not running to the toilet and grabbing some TP and shoving it in.  Huge.  Loudest... 
What sends shivers down your spine when you play it on your system?
With all the above advice, I believe I'm going to find as many songs as I can on Tidal and make me another playlist.  Should be a hoot!Panzrwagn:  I didn't think anyone but me listened to Dan Hicks!   3) Dan Hicks and the Hot Licks "Where's The M... 
Radio Paradise - Superb User Supported Radio- so very grateful for it!
Yeah what big Greg said.  If you use Jriver there is a FLAC stream link as well.Plus there is the super cool HD picture slide show.  The pictures are from listeners sending in.  Most of the pics are phenomenal. Plus #2 is you can download hours of... 
Why is black so popular for components?
I'm going with "it makes all those nice lights pretrier" theory.  Darken the room and all the indicator lights look like they are floating in mid air.   I actually put adjustable brightness LED strips hidden above the system and when they are on r... 
What's the best and/or favorite piece of equipment you've owned? And do you still own it?
Infinity Rennasiance 90 spekers.  Got a pair of spare EMIT tweeters just in case.  That case has never come up.  Had a spare pair of speakers "just in case".  That case never came up either so I offed them.   
Can I use 24 gauge speaker cable?
I put some thought into it a couple years back and my opinion hasn't changed. I have some older Infinity Ren 90 speakers that dip fairly low in the impedance curve.Excerpt from my old post:I may try the Dueland 12 gage. I just feel the 16 gage ca... 
How to physically move large heavy 100lb amplifiers easily (up and downstairs)
My amp is 100Lbs.  The face has no protruding buttons etc and the back has 2 serious handles.  Once I got it to the bottom of the stairs, I stood on a stair step, swung it between my legs and up, one step at a time.  When I got to the top I did th... 
Audiophiles must be careful with their remotes, vs. items on ebay.
Once I was so pissed about all the remotes (prior to Harmony all in one) disappearing,  I went to Home Depot got the baddest Velcro I could find, cut a 2 foot square piece of plywood and stuck like 6 of them on the plywood.  Didn't bother to sand ...