

Responses from kclone

Do I really need a preamp?
every time I have tried a Dac with a volume control, it did not sound as good as having an actual preamp in the system. Granted, I have only tried it twice, but as others have said it would depend on the system. of course these days there is DAC/p... 
Elac Loudspeakers?
I have the Elac FS 409 coming in a couple of weeks(High Gloss White). It has the Jet 5 tweeter and new midrange driver. Has very good reviews so far. I will try and write my impressions after I get to know it some.In other news they are/have repla... 
An audiophile in Chicago .....
Yes Tweak Studio is downtown. It's on East Wacker Drive, down by the Hyatt. They have some good stuff in their shop. 
Elac Loudspeakers?
Elac has made an improvement to the base 240 series. They are calling it the 240.2 (FS 247.2, 249.2 ect...) Best I can tell the main change is adding the Jet 5 tweeter to this series. 
Mcintosh xr 100 speakers
It sure is a nice looking speaker. They seem to have high praise from a lot of people that have heard them. Have you hear them Audiooracle? 
New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house
Okay. Thanks for clarifying. 
New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house
Jwan, you said you had a Big 5, was that a typo? Did you you mean Big 6? 
Best Integrated, period.
Keithr, what do you mean? What is not even close to the DarTZeel? All integrateds? 
Elac Loudspeakers?
Tone Audio Review of the 249 BE. http://www.tonepublications.com/review/elacs-fs249-black-edition-loudspeakers/ 
7 months in and still loving these...
Interesting. You have had a lot of speakers go through your system, do you this one is going to stay awhile? Did you have any special considerations with finding electronics that work well with them or did you just use what you already owned? 
New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house
I have changed my system a little since I put that up. I now have a Herron VTSP 3a (R02 Version) preamp and a Burmester 911 MK3 power amp. Any I appreciate your input Grannyring. 
New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house
Going back to the Jenson vs Duelund. Okay, the Jenson is said to sound sweet, warm, and smooth (relatively speaking) and the Duelunds are said to sound more real. If that is the case, does real mean if you have a bright or harsh recording that wil... 
Sony HAP-Z1ES Hi-Res Music Player RMAF 2013
Interesting product. A lot of questions about functionality, and it seems very good in that regard. However, what about sound quality? Is it just another sub 2 grand DAC of which there are many on the market or is it something special? 
Wyred 4 Sound - DAC2 DSD SE - Excellent upgrade
has anyone compared the DAC2 DSD SE to the Lampizator Level 4 that has a lot of great reveiws? 
New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house
Has anyone compared the Lampizator Level 4 to the new Wyred4sound DSD SE DAC?