

Responses from knotscott

Valve Amp for Sonus Faber Sonetto IIIs
I’m using twin monoblocks with no more than 15 watts output from a pair of KT66s in triode on 89db sensitivity speakers in a big room, and have no trouble playing it louder than I ever want or need to go, and it’s nirvana for me. It doesn’t hurt t... 
Why do Tube Amps sound more romantic v SS amps
Good tube amps on a transparent system are incredible. You can hear the room, and that’s really all I can ask for. That glow in the dark factor turns into a smirk whenever the lights are dim and you’re in the middle of an audiogasm. 😄😎    
Not Chinese Fakes But Not big $$$ Either
Excellent work! Always glad to see people put some skin in the game with their systems.  How do they sound to you? I put together a set of inexpensive 4-conductor Monoprice 12 awg OFC cables in some tech flex, and have been really pleased.    
Subwoofer suggestions for budget system?
The Dayton SUB1200 or 1500 are within budget and can be adjusted to be quite effective and tolerable to enhance your low bass output.  Set the low pass crossover frequency at its lowest setting, and keep the gain down so it's barely noticeable exc... 
Am I Getting Soft Here?
If you love it, you’ve succeeded as far as I’m concerned. 😎 Cost and sound quality isn’t necessarily directly correlated.  
Looking for subwoofer recommendations
I’m wondering if that SVS sub could be adjusted and/or placed in way that you’re satisfied with. Placement and adjustments are critical. I suspect that many folks set the gain and the crossover frequency too high. A sub should augment the existing... 
Solid state to tube
My SS to tube transition started 30 years ago.  Once I got a taste for that incredible transparency I’ve never gone back. Tube rolling adds another whole element to the equation.  Both Quicksilver and Will Vincent are known for good sounding tube... 
Cost Effectiveness of Bi-Wiring Improvements?
The results are always a variable, but it's more right than wrong IMO.  I like skucie's suggestion to try with another set of cables if you have them.    
What is Your End Game System?
I'd gauge system performance by enjoyment level. Definitely not cost.  Does it make you  happy, check all your boxes, and hold your attention every time you listen?    
speaker impedance
Lower impedance requires more current flow from the amp.  As long as the amp has the ability to drive 4 ohms, it shouldn't be an issue.  Upgrade to something that sounds good to you. 😎  
Thoughts about the "Cheapaudioman" on YouTube
He's entertaining and is my go-to guy for advice for family and friends who want lower budget new stuff that I haven't kept up with at all. 😎  
How does one weigh the virtues an older amp vs. a younger one?
Better to listen to each for extended periods (weeks even), then decide which one you prefer to live with.   You miss a lot of the little stuff doing quick A/B listening.  
Preamps can color sound considerably. Surprising?
The only "authentic" sound is what the guys in the studio heard. Bingo....the true meaning of "Hi-fi" refers to the original sound as recorded.  Everything downstream of that is variation of some sort .... we just get to decide if it's a more p... 
Phono Stage Upgrade
It'll be difficult to do better than the phono stage in the Convergent SL-1 IMHO.  
Best 12AU7 Type Tubes for a Preamp
RCA clear tops and new issue Mullards sound good and have worked well for me.