

Responses from knotscott

Willsenton R8 Tube Amp with REL Subwoofer
IMHO, the key to successfully integrating any subwoofer, is to use it to subtly augment just the lowest octave of the bass you already have, and not feature it. Assuming you want natural musical bass, and not dance floor thump, I’d run main speake... 
Speaker cable recommendations
GR Research has some excellent cables.  If you’re willing to add your own connectors, Monoprice offers some excellent low cost bulk cables that will rival many of the big brands.  
Subwoofer with Floorstanding Speakers?
I run an active sub with floor standing speakers to augment only the bottom octave.  The sub runs off the main speaker outputs to the high level inputs, and the low pass crossover gets set at its lowest setting (<50hz).  I do not run my main sp... 
To Blind Test, or Not To Blind Test, That Is The Question
Some of these differences can be pretty small, and can take a long time to get used to and to recognize. IMHO, it’s better to experience the smaller changes over a significant period of time, allowing for all the variables involved on a daily basi... 
FREE - THIEL CS 2_2 to a Good Home
Wow...what an offer!  They're perfect for a beautiful young music teacher with the voice of an angel.  Sent you a message. 😎  
Speakers known for great midrange.
Spica TC-50  
Thiel 2.3
Sounds like an "A-ha" moment for sure.    
Warm Tube Amp(s) to Tame Hyper-Accurate Speakers?
Without changing speakers, there are a few things you could try.  Some previously mentioned: felt tweeter rings Mullard CV4004 preamp tubes are fairly warm different speaker wires/ different cables room treatment scrutinize your sources    
Best Home HIFi you’ve listened to
About 2 years ago I got to hear Magico M5 speakers with Convergent JL-5 amps and SL-1 preamp at Ken Stevens' place.... spectacular comes to mind.      
I don't want to beat a dead horse but I'm bugged.
Measurements tell me how many pages the story is. Listening tells me the plot, and all the little details that keep me interested in finding out the ending.  
New to vinyl, where to start?
There’s more fidelity that can be had from the LP120XUSB. You can easily upgrade the stylus to the VM95 nude Shibata or microline.... or you could even take the plunge for something like Nagaoka MP200, or AT-VM540ML. You can add an isolation platf... 
Do you build anything for your high fidelity system? If so, what do you make?
I built my speakers from the ground up.  Modified my Dynaco tube amps, modified my Lazarus tube pre-amp. modified my turntable, built my speaker wires from bulk cable, and made my mission style stereo cabinet from scratch.  Sure...I guess you coul... 
$1500 tube amp for La Scalas?
tubes 4 hifi ST-70 + 1....the VTA stuff is excellent, and is priced right.       
Is it good to upgrade the crossovers in your speakers?
Unless the caps are known to be inferior, I’d leave them alone.  You might stumble into what you perceive as an improvement, but you could also cause some damage, or end up  not liking the change as much as the originals.    
Speaker massage ...
New woofer suspensions loosen up a bit with playing time, and are more likely to achieve the response they were designed to do once worn in a bit.  Depending on the speakers and the rest of your system, the crossover may experience some audible im...