

Responses from knotscott

$1500 tube amp for La Scalas?
tubes 4 hifi ST-70 + 1....the VTA stuff is excellent, and is priced right.       
Is it good to upgrade the crossovers in your speakers?
Unless the caps are known to be inferior, I’d leave them alone.  You might stumble into what you perceive as an improvement, but you could also cause some damage, or end up  not liking the change as much as the originals.    
Speaker massage ...
New woofer suspensions loosen up a bit with playing time, and are more likely to achieve the response they were designed to do once worn in a bit.  Depending on the speakers and the rest of your system, the crossover may experience some audible im... 
Moved countries, help me get a new stereo system
The Scandanavian region is pretty well regarded for the quality of their raw speaker drivers (Seas, Scanspeak, Vifa, Dynaudio come to mind, but I’m sure there are others). I’d suggest you find some speakers that you love and that work well with yo... 
Can a great system make a mediocre recording sound good?
I’ve found the best cure for a bad recording of an otherwise interesting performance, is good beer.  😎  
Pink Floyd’s brand new song
Awesome tribute.  Thanks for posting it.  
Can a great system make a mediocre recording sound good?
The best you can hope for is for the system and any given recording to sound like it did when it took place...good, bad, or indifferent.    
Best DIY speaker cable for newbies
I did a set of wires using Monoprice 12 awg OFC bulk cable, and was quite happy with it.  
1st Tube amp question
Tube amps need a load on the outputs, whether a speaker or resistor.  
Does measurements really matter?
Measurements and specs mattered when I started in 1982.  In 2022 I'm way less concerned, but they certainly have a place and serve a purpose.  I suspect as a deterrent, they help keep manufacturers honest.    
Low Level Listening and Distortion
+2 ghdprentice That has been my experience. The better my system got, the less I needed to crank it to get the same sensation and dynamic contrasts. Even at low levels now, the system still has a good soundstage, excellent presence and inner deta... 
Amp Upgrade Path?
Even thought they're currently delayed a few weeks, I'd give serious consideration to the VTA M125 Monoblocks from Tubes4Hifi.com.   http://www.tubes4hifi.com/M125.htm  
Speaker positioning: why do audiophiles neglect this so much?
My wife thinks my listening room should be decorated like a living room, so the speakers are typically unceremoniously crammed into the corners where they're less obtrusive.  Every once in a while we let them out to play.    
Aftermarket Upgrade Question
The most dramatic sound differences typically come from a stylus or cartridge upgrade, but there are some tweaks you can do to help optimize what’s there. Build or buy an isolation platform....Google some ideas Add a few orthodontia rubber ban... 
Best budget turntable?
IMHO, the cartridge is where the most significant differences in sound come from. With your budget I’d be looking at something at the level of the PLX-1000 with a Nagaoka MP500. You can always optimize that with an isolation platform, and possibly...