

Responses from lalitk

The new OPPO Digital UDP-203 question
@randy-11,  for iTunes playback over wifi you would need a device that is AirPlay compatible. I don't think udp-203 is AirPlay compatiable.  However, you can connect Apply TV to Oppo via HDMI input and take advantage of superior DAC/Video processi... 
Recommendations for top-notch banana speaker cable connectors
Since the header say, top notch connectors, here is my recommendation - WBT'sFurutechCardasFor your cables, Cardas copper or silver will yield best results within your 'budget'. Enjoy! 
The new OPPO Digital UDP-203 question
Just pre-ordered. Full specs are now available and it's primed to be a top performer at this price point.  https://www.oppodigital.com/blu-ray-udp-203/blu-ray-udp-203-Features.aspx 
Seeking Suggestions on Preamp Upgrade (CJ, Aesthetix, EAR)
+1 jayctoy. I woukd look for Aesthetix Calypso Signature version.   
How do I power my 800D(3)s
@joey_v Based on these posts, bo1972 deserves a lifelong membership of B&W haters club :-)  
Power setup for 803D's Family Room
titannero,803D's are amazing speakers.  This may sound crazy but have you consider SONOS? I switched from receiver based 5.1 system in my family and living rooms to SONOS. This is by far the best 2K investment I'hv made based on sound and convenie... 
How do I power my 800D(3)s
Congrats on your purchase! As suggested, have your dealer pair 800's with couple of amps and let your ears decide the best amps.  I currently own 800D2's and agree with 'mcgal'. 800's sound best with a decent power amp. I highly recommend mono-blo... 
The new OPPO Digital UDP-203 question
I agree with tiago729.  Almost all Smart TV's now offer streaming services. I am looking forward to picking up Oppo UDP 203 or 205 for UHD playback only.   
Network Audio Player - need some basic advice
+1 for audioman.  Aries is not in the same league as N100H. You can probably get N100H on Agon for under 2K. Aurender iPad app is to die for and SQ is first rate for any streamer under 3K.  
6922 Tubes!
bradf, thanks for sharing the article.  Very informative.  
6922 Tubes!
I am using Tungsram PCC88 in my Modwright DAC.  It's very musical from top to bottom, great top end, deep bass and gorgeous mid range. You can get platinum grade from Upscale Audio for $50.00.   
Is the Maestro AC outlet basically a cryo'd Cooper BR20 found at Lowes for $3.47?
I have been using Furutech for years now before they became 'force' in United States. I started with Hubbell outlets, then switched to FPX (G) and finally to GTX-D (R) on all of my wall outlets, power conditioners and FI-28(R) on my power cords. I... 
Can an accepted offer be a lowball offer too?
If seller regretting accepting your offer, see if he will take the Item back. It's best to part with the item now then regret later if you are not pleased with your purchase...even at the cost of shipping out of your pocket.  
Audio Research Reference 6 Preamp Review
bdp24, that's the crazy part of this hobby. LOL!!! 
aurender n10 or....?
N10 is a amazing digital player with superb iPad app.  As previous goner suggested, I love the ease of switching between Tidal and music stored on its internal hard drive.  Antipodes garnered some rave reviews, so I would highly recommend the oper...