

Responses from larsman

ACME 300B matched pair - different blue glow intensity - new in amp world
I've got new WE 300B's and those don't glow, but indeed, both tubes should either glow or not glow....   
whats wrong with audiogon?
Sometimes it's a little slow to respond, but not bad as of late, on my iMac...  
Hi-Fi and the Folly of Perfection
'Lugubrious ruminations' - I like that!  No, when it comes to sound, I am not at all nostalgic for how sound was when I was younger. I like it better today in every way! I've got separate systems for 2-channel and for headphones, and am very happ... 
A double bass is the best instrument to pair with vocals
Accordion.... 🤣  
I need to get rid of my JBL 4311s don't I?
This is an 18-year old thread; they've likely got their question answered by now! 😁  
New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones)
@soix - I thought the same thing when I was watching Steve's video! Upgrade that streamer!   
I'd never even consider buying a record that would cost as much as a good cartridge. No 'hot stampers' here, please...  
Has new music gone down the tubes?
@hifiguy42 + 1  
Nik Turner - Rest In Peace
So sorry to hear that. I got to see Nik with the original Hawkwind do 'Space Ritual' back in 1973, with Lemmy and Stacia still there, and then 'Space Ritual' again with 'Nik Turner's Hawkwind' a number of years later. RIP indeed....  
What Gear Has Disappointed You?
@gavman - from what I've heard about big Klipsch speakers in reviews and such, their defining trait is most definitely NOT 'epic bass'. Tight bass, sure, but not wall-shaking. I think it was 'criminal' of the dealer to misrepresent the speaker if ... 
Disappearing Jazz?
Rock and Roll disappeared? News to me - I keep seeing new bands and hearing new music. I do like some rap and hip-hop too, and I'm 71 years old. I suppose a lot of country artists don't realize they morphed into something else, 'cause they still... 
Dan MacCafferty of Nazareth R.I.P.
Oh no. I'm sorry to hear that. RIP Dan....   
Hearing aids for audiophiles?
I wear behind-the-ear hearing aids for 2-channel listening and in-ear hearing aids for headphones.   
What I really hate about some music
@mixermarkwilliams + 1  
Whats the weirdest concert you ever attended?
@jeff4598 - interesting you mention Jeff Buckley - one of the weirdest concerts I was ever at was Jeff Buckley at the Brainwash in San Francisco. The Brainwash was a laundromat that had a small room upstairs where they would sometimes put on music...