Responses from larsman
ACME 300B matched pair - different blue glow intensity - new in amp world I've got new WE 300B's and those don't glow, but indeed, both tubes should either glow or not glow.... | |
whats wrong with audiogon? Sometimes it's a little slow to respond, but not bad as of late, on my iMac... | |
Hi-Fi and the Folly of Perfection 'Lugubrious ruminations' - I like that! No, when it comes to sound, I am not at all nostalgic for how sound was when I was younger. I like it better today in every way! I've got separate systems for 2-channel and for headphones, and am very happ... | |
A double bass is the best instrument to pair with vocals Accordion.... 🤣 | |
I need to get rid of my JBL 4311s don't I? This is an 18-year old thread; they've likely got their question answered by now! 😁 | |
New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones) @soix - I thought the same thing when I was watching Steve's video! Upgrade that streamer! | |
Cartridges I'd never even consider buying a record that would cost as much as a good cartridge. No 'hot stampers' here, please... | |
Has new music gone down the tubes? @hifiguy42 + 1 | |
Nik Turner - Rest In Peace So sorry to hear that. I got to see Nik with the original Hawkwind do 'Space Ritual' back in 1973, with Lemmy and Stacia still there, and then 'Space Ritual' again with 'Nik Turner's Hawkwind' a number of years later. RIP indeed.... | |
What Gear Has Disappointed You? @gavman - from what I've heard about big Klipsch speakers in reviews and such, their defining trait is most definitely NOT 'epic bass'. Tight bass, sure, but not wall-shaking. I think it was 'criminal' of the dealer to misrepresent the speaker if ... | |
Disappearing Jazz? Rock and Roll disappeared? News to me - I keep seeing new bands and hearing new music. I do like some rap and hip-hop too, and I'm 71 years old. I suppose a lot of country artists don't realize they morphed into something else, 'cause they still... | |
Dan MacCafferty of Nazareth R.I.P. Oh no. I'm sorry to hear that. RIP Dan.... | |
Hearing aids for audiophiles? I wear behind-the-ear hearing aids for 2-channel listening and in-ear hearing aids for headphones. | |
What I really hate about some music @mixermarkwilliams + 1 | |
Whats the weirdest concert you ever attended? @jeff4598 - interesting you mention Jeff Buckley - one of the weirdest concerts I was ever at was Jeff Buckley at the Brainwash in San Francisco. The Brainwash was a laundromat that had a small room upstairs where they would sometimes put on music... |