

Responses from larsman

Your suggestions: Headphone + DAC/Amp combo?
@soix - Indeed, and if it wasn't for used and demo gear, it would be more than I could handle! But the Eddie Current amp is the only thing I've got that's new..... I do have a Donald North Audio Stratus on its way at some point soon, I think. I li... 
Your suggestions: Headphone + DAC/Amp combo?
I use an MSB 'Analog DAC' going into an Eddie Current Studio B tube headphone amp, and plug my Susvara's into that. Sounds not-half-bad!   
Convincing your local dealer to let you try speakers at home
@sounds_real_audio - I've often thought of doing that, as long as the initial consultation payment was credited towards the purchase price, if I made a purchase. I would also insist that they do any delivery, setup and pickup so they'll know what ... 
Top 5 Vinyl Recordings
Looks a lot like 'What are your five favorite albums?, unless you think that some that you love on vinyl you wouldn't like so much digitally.   
Audioquest Niagara 1200
@lowrider57 - and I got an Equi=Core and a Deep=Core to try to deal with an alarming amount of noise I was getting from this tube headphone amp I'd bought; I contacted the amp maker and he suggested trying these. I'm sure they work great with some... 
Box Set Outer Sleeves
I would assume it's a difficult search because of how much or how little the demand for them is. Personally, I do protective outer sleeves for individual LP's, but I'd have no use for one for a box set, of which I have many.   
The band 'Sparks' on Netflix
I was a Sparks fan going back to 'Kimono My House' in 1973 or so. But my favorite of their's is their FFS collaboration with Franz Ferdinand....  
“Corner Club Cathedral Cocoon”
Seems a tad ironic somebody from McIntosh accusing other companies of making 'toys for insecure adults'.   
Vinyl - One Word - WOW!!
@baylinor + 1  
What is the best way to clean Vinyl?
I've had a DeGritter for the past few years, and it's worked perfectly for my hundreds of albums. And I do clean each new record I get as there's always some kind of stuff from the pressing plant that didn't get completely removed.   
I feel bad for GenX'ers that missed out on the 60s and 70s.
@petg60 + 1  
Favorite Genesis Tracks?
While my favorite Genesis music is on 'Nursery Cryme', 'Foxtrot', and 'The Lamb', I also really like the first 4 or 5 post-Gabriel albums, too, especially the Tony Banks numbers. Tony is great at the epics!   
Top 3 Headphones
I have both a Susvara and a Utopia; I use the Utopia with my iBasso DAP and the Susvara with my Eddie Current tube headphone amp.... The Susvara is the best set of headphones I have ever heard, but you need quality power for them. I've tried the H... 
Confession: I only like Norah Jones because so many others told me to
@erik_squires - I'd agree with that for when she first appeared on the scene, for sure.  
Confession: I only like Norah Jones because so many others told me to
@erik_squires - again, I can't know for sure, but my guess would be that yes, of those many millions of Norah Jones fans, a large number, if not most, would be fans without having any idea of Ravi. They don't like Norah because of her ragas, after...