
Responses from loomisjohnson

Need suggestions on efficient book shelf speakers for a Pass Labs XA3.5
i've head the pass with dynaudio and it was an excellent match  
Washington Post article on MoFi vs. Fremer vs. Esposito
i don't doubt that the digitally-tweaked vinyl sounds better, and i would argue that mofi doesn't deserve the death penalty. bottom line, though, is that if, as alleged, mofi intentionally misled those analog purists who paid a superpremium for th... 
Has anyone had on of these CD players? How good are they?
i've also had good experience with 90's era sony es cdps (i still use a 79es and used to have the 777es, which i never should have sold); even if the lasers (or more typically the belts) go bad, you can find replacements on ebay and the repairs ar... 
Current Universal Players
cambridge audio makes a well-regarded oppo-based bdp which does dvda and sacd (not sure about hdcd). personally, i'd cheap out and go used--a lot of these overbuilt older lexicon/meridian/denon players can be had for pennies on the dollar.  
Bob Seger live albums
+10 live bullet, which flat out rawks. nine tonight isn't bad but gets dragged down by all the aor ballads.  
Connect speakers to my new Denon AVR-x4700H Receiver or to my Outlaw 7125 7-Channel Amp
my experience is that most  mass market avrs benefit from an external amp, which generally has more oomph than the internal amps in the avr. per russ69 i would compare both ways, but i'd be surprised if you didn't like the outlaw better.  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
@reubent i can't get past the scene in "shaun of the dead" where they hurl "second coming" at the zombies. my pick for the week: andrew hill, "judgment"--not the flashiest or the most innovative, but in his own understated way he might be the bes... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
frankie miller, high life-- overlooked white soul belter who clearly influenced rod stewart and bob seger, though i think he's a better singer than either. does pretty well with the songwriting, too. elvis costello, the delivery man--for my money... 
kyocera Receiver R 861
i use the 861 in a basement system and never noticed it running hot. it's a quality piece--enjoy it.  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
@reubent "camp pendleton" is a very well-constructed song  which is so jangly-pretty you almost don't notice how dark and disturbing the lyrics are. "norcal girls" is very cracker-like and also hits you lyrically--i would played it straighter, wit... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
@sbank @noromance et. al.--you guys are on a hot streak--two bit monsters, roy harper, pjharvey all classics. @slaw, i've tried to get into the mountain goats for years (i probably own more records of his than anyone i don't really like)--he's a v... 
Ceiling Speakers for Music Only
Lexicon RT-10
Get a harmony 650 universal remote on ebay...should be around 40$ and should get you where you need to go  
Desperately seeking some advice/tips for my S.M.S.L. SU-9 DAC
i personally found the pcm and dsd filters to have  little audible effect (which may be a function of my dwindling hearing). wrt the sound colors, i though the standard setting sounded very close to the tube setting, while the crystal setting soun... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
@slaw, @bslon, i also like kurt vile alot, particularly earlier stuff like "smoke ring" and "pretty daze"--he sounds like he smokes too much weed, but the guy is a natural. the country ep he did w/john prine (rip), "speed, sound, lonely" is alsosu...