Responses from mceljo
System Dissatisfaction - My Own Fault So far so good with the new Pathos Classic One mkIII integrated amplifier. If I could do anything differently it would have been to just purchase it when it was first available rather than messing around with the Cambridge Audio gear. In the end... | |
I think I've Just Seen Absolute Proof That Audiophiles Are Insanely Gullible I was just chatting with a friend of mine today about some audiophile products that could easily be marketed with similar pseudoscience to what many products currently have.Without stepping on too many toes, if Romex wire is what's in the wall why... | |
System Dissatisfaction - My Own Fault One of my friends that an EE and audio aficionado stopped by today for some listening. His description was that the Parhis has a much more 3D soundstage than my Yaqin and it makes everything sound effortless. He mentioned that I hadn’t been doing... | |
System Dissatisfaction - My Own Fault @georgehifi, I already made the purchase and if there’s an issue I certainly don’t hear it that I have noticed. | |
System Dissatisfaction - My Own Fault @georgehifi, I am interested in your thoughts on the Pathos Classic One MKiii being a good match for my Focal 836v speakers.@helomech, I picked up the Pathos for around 1/3 of the original retail price (about 1/2 price if I factor in the loss on t... | |
System Dissatisfaction - My Own Fault Dissatisfaction resolved. I love the sound of the Pathos Classic One MKIII so far. It has a very smooth top end and powerful bass even at the low volumes that I have been able to listen to it at (the kids are in bed). The soundstage makes me fe... | |
System Dissatisfaction - My Own Fault Well, since I'm a glutton for punishment in recent month I decided to double down on my audio purchases and will be trading in the Cambridge Audio 840A along with the cash from selling the Cambridge Audio 551R and a little out of my personal funds... | |
System Dissatisfaction - My Own Fault elizabeth - There's certainly a lot of truth in what you say. I try to make judgements of my equipment based on the general feeling that I get with it being background listening. For example, the difference between my receiver and tube amplifier... | |
System Dissatisfaction - My Own Fault I did find a solid price for a digital vanguard on Audiogon, but it’s still pushing $4,000 which I just can’t get comfortable with. I found a S-300i for closer to $2,500 that I might be able to get comfortable with. It’s from the same online retai... | |
System Dissatisfaction - My Own Fault no romance - That’s actually the retail price for that model. The digital module is another $1,500 on their website. Thanks. I think I could do this deal locally. | |
System Dissatisfaction - My Own Fault noromance - Your username makes perfect sense! I would throw away all of my audio gear before letting my wife get away. At the moment my home is my only debt and based on cash in the bank could easily afford the Krell, but no just spending $6,00... | |
System Dissatisfaction - My Own Fault noromance - You noticed the rant like tone to my post? I'm not necessarily looking for advice, it's more along the lines of looking for some similar experiences because I know most audiophiles have had similar experiences...especially, those that... | |
Store auditioning and then buying on-line from others. How do you feel about it ? I would never go to a dealer that I hadn’t done any business with to listen to something with the sole purpose of buying it online. At a minimum I would give them a chance to make a deal. If if it was more of a big box store where I wasn’t requir... | |
Noise Between Receiver/Preamp and Integrated/Power By the way, thanks for the help Steve. I essentially did exactly what you said to do. It’s a slow project. | |
Noise Between Receiver/Preamp and Integrated/Power Today, I was able to verify that the signal and chassis ground is the same for the 551R so I made a cable to run from one of the RCA inputs to the ground lug on my power conditioner where both the 551R and 840A are plugged in. No real change. I tu... |