Responses from noble100
Dusting tube amp 08-21-11: IsochronismSwamp, we'll assume in such a scenario, you will be playing the pool boy given your propensity of donning speedos:)Excellent observation, Isochronism. Unfortunately, you and I know Swampwalker's odd fashion choices all too wel... | |
Tube preamp with the "most" for 1k used, 2k new? Pmboyd, From your description, tonally accurate and extended with a bias toward the warm side of nuetral, I think you would like the VTL 2.5 tubed preamp. It comes with a remote and is within your price range if you don't need the phono stage. I w... | |
What Song Reminds You of Your First Love? Bifwynne, Gloria did look kind of like Linda Ronstadt facially but not otherwise. And she was always wearing cut off jeans with bare feet not roller skates. I recall her looking more like a young and tanned Raquel Welch. Gloria's gotta be about 60... | |
What Song Reminds You of Your First Love? The song "Gloria" was recorded by several performers, including Van Morrison, but was written and performed locally in Mt. Prospect, Illinois by a group called the "Shadows of Night". I grew up in Mt. Prospect and lived near Gloria. I was about 12... | |
Surge Suppression vrs. Lighting and Power Spikes I agree with the above responses stating the only true protection is to unplug your equipment. The purpose of grounding tv/radio antennas is to prevent them from having a neg or pos charge that would attract lightning. These grounding systems do n... | |
Ten audiophile commandments Inna,Noble100, I like your last one. On the other hand, someone else washing you by licking should be permitted. To lower the waterbill.Yes, I agree as long as'someone else" excludes farm animals. Swampwalker is abnormally fond of them. Local poli... | |
Ten audiophile commandments Mine pertain to Swampwalker but are valid for all humans:* Thy shall not wear only a speedo and rollerblades, especially in public* Even if thou are stupideth enough to wear only a speedo and rollerblades in public, do noteth, under any circumstan... | |
Preramp for Adcom GFA 565's Hi Dsper, I also noticed a large improvement when I went from an Adcom GFA555 with 200 watts to an Aragon 4004 MKII with 400 watts. The sound was better and cleaner from top to bottom. But, as you know, wattage is only part of the answer with qua... | |
Preramp for Adcom GFA 565's Hi Dsper,Looks like you made a good choice going with the Wyred4Sound amp and special-edition preamp. From what I've read, the amp may sound a little thin right out of the box and can take about 300 hours to fully break in.If after break in you fi... | |
Preramp for Adcom GFA 565's Dsper, I have also heard good things about both Wred4Sound and the Cary 500 MB amps but have never heard either of them. The Wyred4Sound also have an in home demo period so you could return them if you don't like them. Sorry, don't know much about... | |
Preramp for Adcom GFA 565's Dsper. The Adcom monoblocks would supply the power that the 1.7's likely require, if they are anything like other Magnepans. My concern is the same as some of the other posters on this post and your other posts: the sound may be too sterile and ne... | |
Preramp for Adcom GFA 565's Dsper,What speakers will you be using? I think the Adcom monoblocks would drive almost any speakers easily enough but they may be overkill for some. Thanks | |
Preramp for Adcom GFA 565's Dsper,Ckoffend makes a good point in suggesting that the Adcom GFP565 preamp and Adcom GFA565 monoblocks combo may be a bit bright, especially with a digital source. That was my experience when I used the Adcom preamp with an Aragon 4004 solid ata... | |
Preramp for Adcom GFA 565's Dsper,I have a nice used Adcom GFP565 preamp I can sell you.I have not put an ad out for it yet but will soon. It is in very good condition and I have the original box and manual. It was a Stereophile reccomended component when I bought it new. Le... | |
Music Room and Floods Davt,I think if you shop around, you'll find an insurance company willing to insure your equipment and the room in case of flood or water damage. There may be a higher deductable, however. I think you should figure out replacement costs and ask ar... |