

Responses from oddiofyl

Got a pair of JBL 240Ti - mint condition, very nice.
Ouch, the dreaded WAF..... According to JBL guys they are worth more in parts."Unfortunately, 240Ti's just aren't that desirable, so they don't sell at any premium over the drivers' raw values. I haven't seen a no-reserve Ebay auction on them, but... 
Got a pair of JBL 240Ti - mint condition, very nice.
eBay is a good guide....   
New Klipsch Cornwalls anybody hear them?
They are great speakers,  way to big for my room though.....I listened to them with a Prima Luna 40 watt EL34 integrated and they sounded awesome.   I ended up going home with a pair of Heresy III and love them ....check out the Cornwalls  and For... 
Could I be a Retail Wretch?
Exactly, added value...   when I had a driver fail my dealer did all the legwork to get me a warranty replacement ....they took care of me a year after the sale.I live in the Boston area, 20 years ago their were dealers everywhere around here, now... 
Could I be a Retail Wretch?
Like everyone, I want a good deal.   However I also value personal service.  I"m looking at my rack of equipment and there's only one item I didn't buy new locally .That item is a Magnum Dynalab MD102 that I bought direct from MD after I sent my M... 
Treated my interconnects with Deoxit D5 today
"D.W.E. was established in 1986. Our product originated in 1976, from Wright Electroacoustics, where it was based on the R&D work of Wm. M. D. Wright. After several years of field trials, the final product, Stabilant 22™ was introduced by Sumi... 
A Question About Volume Controls Types
I've always liked the tactile feel of a knob vs. push buttons ...  my last preamp had digial volume...I hated it and regretted selling my Mc C15 for that unit.My c-j Classic 2SE has an analog pot, no remote which is fine by me.  My NAD M51 has a d... 
A Question About Volume Controls Types
That looks like a nice amp. How does it sound ?  
A Question About Volume Controls Types
The encoder translates the right or left motion into volume up or volume down to a microprocessor that manipulates the output either in the digital domain or often through a resistive ladder like in many Conrad Johnson preamps.   
A Question About Volume Controls Types
It most likely uses an optical encoder.  It could also use a sweep contact encoder .... 
Klipsch Klipschorn speakers
They are awesome....wish i had the room.   A large rectangular room.   
Power Conditioner for Amp
I have an Equi-Tech Son of Q.   It’s a monster , weighs about 65 lbs.  Most of that weight is the massive toroidal in there.  I have had it 10 years and it’s been on the whole time without a fault.  My previous place had power issues with noise an... 
Question on Speakers...KEF R700 or Forte III's?
Those are two really different speakers....   I have owned several KEF over the years and they have been great, but I did a 180 last year and replaced my Revel M106 with a pair of Heresy III.    The Klipsch paired with my 40 watt Quicksilver monos... 
Need help please? How I can setup Krell HTS 7.1 working with OPPO BDP 105 ?
The 7.1 is a direct input, the Krell will only allow volume control, no surround modes or processing.  You have to go into the OPOs menu and make sure its set to output analog 7.1... make sure analog downmix is set to "off"Use your players test to... 
Replace CJ with new equipment
Those are both great pieces, I would freshen them up...  That amp has plenty of power for those K horns,  and they will cost $$$ to better.   Quicksilver Amps are great too, I have Mid Monos and love them.  They just came out with 60 watt monos th...