

Responses from oddiofyl

Are my amp and preamp mismatched?
I always thought you could not go wrong with both from same mtg. until I owned a McCormack RLD 1 along with a DNA 125 amp.   It was a good sounding combo, perhaps better than my previous Mc C15 driving the 125,  but it just didn't blow me away.  I... 
Please vote
Never been blown away by any Mc speakers but the B&W and Focal would be on my short list in that price range.   Only piece of advice I would give for speakers is you must audition and let your ears vote  
Tube Preamp
Quicksilver Line Stage, no frills.... but no remote.  Excellent tube pre with HT bypass for  $1050 
Vintage speakers or look a like
You need some Klipsch Heresy ...... 
Upgrade from ADS L1230
I agree add a sub.   
JL Fathom repair
That is generous to do a flat rate with shipping for only $300 ....a lot of that money goes toward shipping I'm sure. 
schematic for a VTL super deluxe
Yeah, great guys over there at VTL.....   Bea and Luke Manley were the worst to deal with " customer service" if you want to call it that,  I've ever experienced..  So rude and condescending......They should follow companies like McIntosh,  C-J, B... 
Thinking of changing my solid state pre amp
Good choice, enjoy 
Whizzer cone removal
I would leave it alone.....no going back if you cut it off or damage the cone while trying.    
Best audio companies and dealers
C-J , Quicksilver,  Grado ,  Magnum Dynalab ... all great companies to deal with in my experience.   For dealers, the guys at Audio Visual Therapy are awesome to deal with.  
mcintosh speakers
 Some of their speakers were actually made in Japan and were kind of lackluster  
McIntosh C2300 noise
Ok. I’m just throwing this out there.  A while back I noticed a buzz , often intermittent but sometimes steady that I had a difficult time pinpointing because I didn’t know if it was the pre or the amp.  I traced it it down to the amp but it wasn’... 
In search of respectable/reasonable tube amps with 16 ohm taps
I believe the Anthem Amp 1 , a 40 watt EL34 amp had Tranny taps for 16 Ohm      
PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium v Decware Zen Torii Mk IV
Plus a better warranty... lifetime.   Plus Made in USA 
Oppo 103 and stand alone DAC
The 103 should output SACD in  24/88k through it's digital out as long as the greatest bit depth and sampling rate is chosen in the set up