

Responses from oddiofyl

Fuse indentification for a Classe CA 200 amp
Digikey should have them.   When you search their site you can filter by type, rating , and value  www.digikey.com  
I Am Not an Audio Snob
I'm not gonna lie,  I like great audio components.    But I am humble in knowing there are many systems out there that are better, more expensive, etc...   Putting a piece of Schiit in a McIntosh system is OK as long as it sounds good !!  Anyone ... 
No dig on Bluesound products, they are great but going from a Vault 2i to my N200 was a step up.   I still use the Vault in my second system.   It's been great.  But Aurender machines are next level  
I Am Not an Audio Snob
I have read many of your posts and never thought you came off like that.   Everyone here loves audio , I know I do.     I have no problem spending money on what to me has been great gear.  My kids are gone, bills are low , and sometimes  I will sa... 
The N20 has an AES/EBU digital out that can be used with a DAC that has same type  digital input   
The N200 is a Network Streamer only.  It has USB and Coax SPDIF only, as is the N20.  You need an external DAC to use them.   I'm not sure if the Aurender A200 has XLR analog out but I think it does.  Something like that may be what you are lookin... 
I have been using my N200 with the new Conductor 4 software and it is great.  It was a little like getting a new toy because the user interface is much improved  I think it will only get better as it is refined  The new beta V Tuner internet rad... 
Velodyne DD15 - worth repairing the plate amp?
Every Velodyne sub of that Era will fail.   I sent my Dad's plate Amp on his HGS 10 to EBC in NJ about 5 years ago and it's been great since.    My HGS died,....   my brother has an HGS 15 that was never used before he got i5 and it works but it'... 
Bought a system without auditioning, thoughts?
Definitely post your impressions once you get settled in  
Reducing noise in an Ethernet over power configuration
I had a weird noise in my network.   It went away when I disconnected my TV ethernet cable from my switch  I actually thought it was a bad tube.  Took them out, tested .   Noise persisted,  I tried another set of tubes.   It was driving me insane... 
Integrated Amplifier for Sonus Faber Guarneri Evolution
MA 9500 is a killer Amp.    Bluesound is good , but you have the foundation of a great system with those speakers so a good source will exploit what they are capable of.  I went from a Vault 2i to an Aurender N200 and DAC and couldn't be happier.... 
Integrated Amplifier for Sonus Faber Guarneri Evolution
The upper end stand mount Sonus Faber are very demanding and have very low sensitivity.    A 200 watt Amp is not overkill.  Most or many are 4 Ohm.  My Dad is using a pair of Electa Amator III with a MA8950 and it is a great sounding combo.   Pas... 
Bought a system without auditioning, thoughts?
Once set up , just let it play ! I like to try to be non critical of any new component. I like to play FM or any source like TV through my system for a while , sort of like background music or noise. After a short period of letting MY ears acclima... 
Best Full-Function Preamplifier
You gotsta pay for top echelon sound.   I would listen to a number of different preamps and a bunch of external phone stages along with....    I owned a Zesto Leto preamp.  It was great , their latest Ultra II is even better.  But what they reall... 
Cast into Utter Darkness
Any mainstream Queen song you hear on the radio everyday once an hour.  What happened to program directors that loved and played great music ?