

Responses from oddiofyl

New Aurender conductor V4 app
Just bought a Samsung Tab 9+  so we’ll see how it goes tonight   
Power Tube Matching
Gm is expressed in Micromhos and generally the higher the better because it suggests the tube is strong.   No guarantee,  some tubes can drift.  Draw more or less current  That's why amps with individual bias for each tube or auto bias are more a... 
Power Tube Matching
No don't worry so much about the Ip value , as long as it is the same on all four.   Some places will put a sticker on the base of the tube.  Apex tube matching puts a label on the base of the tube with the value as measured on their equipment.   ... 
Amplifier and Speaker A/B switcher
That one by AVA looks like the only device that will really protect your gear.  The Chinese company Douk makes exactly what you are looking for but not so sure I would trust my equipment into that thing.     
New Aurender conductor V4 app
Looks like I need a new Tablet.   My Samsung isn't a high enough OS and can't run Conductor 4 .....  
Power Tube Matching
IP is plate current , Gm is transconductance . In your Mid Monos you need matched tubes unless they are the latest version with a trim pot for each tube’s bias. Bob only has three matched tubes.... if you put one that isn’t close then one amp wi... 
New Aurender conductor V4 app
Thanks , been listening to my new second system a lot and haven't used my N200 for a few weeks .  I'll have to check it out   
Omega Super Alnico Monitor/Aric Audio SE KT88
I have a pair of S.A.M. being  built now.   They are for my second system.  I also have Forte IV in my main system.   I love the Forte  I am driving the Forte with my Toolshed 300b and wanted a speaker that was totally different than anything I h... 
Upgrade from BS Node 2i?
My Dad has the Eversolo A6 and it is a good unit for the money.   I have a Vault 2i in my second system and an Aurender N200 in my main system.     The A6 does just about everything those do,  and more.   He has it connected via USB  to his McInt... 
I try to only recommend stuff that I have had first hand experience with,  have owned, used, or listened to.   Nothing wrong with saying a company is good , has good products and is worth taking a listen to.         
I stream 24/7. Do you?
All day. In the shower in the AM, in the car all day , at night....   I still play a few LPs here and there but I stream all day.     
Why is solid state more popular when tubes are better?
I had a Zesto Leto preamp and it is an amazing sounding preamp . I would bet anything that was not the reason for thin sterile sound.   George from Zesto has what I would call a Golden ear.    He knows how to voice a component.   But yes.  It is a... 
Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 rev.3 1994, electrical scheme needed
Parts Connexion will repair it but it's unlikely they will provide schematics.   So if no reply that's most likely the reason  
Omega speakers -- mostly sold out, all the time?
I should be hearing from Louis pretty soon.  Have a new Integrated Amp and REL 10"  sub that's been displaced from my main system to go with them.    Should be a nice compact system.   I'm using the tiny shoe box footprint Cyrus i7-XR and it is su... 
Recommend me a DAC under 3k
I have the Lab 12 DAC 1 Reference.   Smooth and zero listening fatigue with a good source upstream.    I use it primarily with my Aurender N200 and it is a nice sounding DAC.     Don't buy a DAC in that price range without listening to it first. ...