

Responses from oddiofyl

What's up with the price of Vintage equipment?
It's all over priced.... Boston CL : Pioneer SX 1250.  $2800 Pioneer SX 1010.  $1200 Marantz 4400.       $2900 Marantz 2230.       $800  
Rega P3 vs SOTA Comet III
I bought the Sota Escape , I almost pulled the trigger on a P3.   The Rega was nice, I listened to one locally.   For not much more I bought the Sota.   The Escape has a Sapphire bearing and the Condor Motor controller.  I bought an open box and... 
What's up with the price of Vintage equipment?
You are right, most of that stuff wasn't that great, mediocre build and sound.   I would much rather buy new gear .   It's ridiculously over priced , and most will need service soon if they don't already.  Common sense goes right out the window w... 
Shocking Lampizator Service
Actually gdhprentice is one of the most knowledgeable people on this forum.  I'm pretty sure he knows they are hand made .   Why did one Lampi owner have a solution over night and another waits 1 1/2 months?   Either the distributor dropped the b... 
Biggest "bang for the buck" audio gear you have owned(in your history)?
I'm going to say my least expensive component,  my Sutherland KC Vibe phono stage makes me think what a great value it is every time I play a record.   It kicks a$$ for the money.    Dead quiet and sounds fantastic.    Textbook example of trickle ... 
Bluesound Powernode
I have an Aurender in my main setup but I use my Vault 2i everyday still.  It has given me 4 years of trouble free ripping and streaming  Bluesound is in my opinion the best way to get into streaming.  Has a great user interface,  sounds good , l... 
Is it worth replacing a Lumin D2 with an Eversolo dmp-a6 Master Edition?
Summit HiFi is a distributor of these.  My Dad's should ship third week of June.   I believe they still have a few pre-order ones left from that batch.  He got the Master edition which has a Femto clock instead of a TXCO clock.    Specs on both a... 
Is it worth replacing a Lumin D2 with an Eversolo dmp-a6 Master Edition?
It's supposed to be a very good streamer.    My Dad just ordered one.  I'm looking forward to setting it up for him.   Steve Huff loved the standard version.    I use an Aurender N200.  If I had a T+A 200 DAC that is what I would consider.   But ... 
alternatives to Lumin for preamp funcitonality ?
The RME DAC is great , volume control is about as good as you can get at that price.     It sounds good , but honestly I preferred it at fixed gain with a really good preamp.   You will never get the same level of performance with a stand alone D... 
Anyone else feel like they are “transported” INTO the music
Yes, more like sucked into it....totally get drawn in and lost in the music.  That's what its all about for sure   
Taylor Swift Concert Prices
My daughter went to TS....   her future husband, a great guy got her a pair .   He has great taste in music, so he stayed home.   No idea what it cost, but I'm sure it was ridiculous  I remember my first concert...  Kinks at Worcester Centrum 198... 
How rare is an audiophile
The only local Audiophiles I know are the guys at Natural Sound in Framingham MA  
Streamer with toslink output
I think all Bluesound Nodes have Tos.    
Music Server Advice
I got the impression the last time I talked to Aurender that they are done with enhancements to Conductor 3 and are working on 4   
Music Server Advice
Enjoy!   I have a N200 and love it.   Great machine