

Responses from oddiofyl

Rega planar 3 (50th Anniversary)
Looks nice.   I demo'd a P3 a few months ago and thought it was a good value.   I had a P3 years ago and it served me well.   Really can't go wrong with a P3  
Don't sell your tube amps
I was going to sell my pre and mono amps that were displaced during my last upgrade.   After a few low ball offers I decided to do a second system.    I'm ordering a pair of speakers this week.   Inevitably I would have had sellers remorse anyway.  
Who are your favorite custom amp builders for low powered triode amps?
It will look similar to this preamp.   Based on the 205d tube   
Who are your favorite custom amp builders for low powered triode amps?
I love my Toolshed Amps Transcendence 300b.   Love it so much that Matt is building me it's companion DHT preamp right now.  https://www.toolshedamps.com/  
New to Preamp - Preamp suggestion around 10k
Zesto Leto Ultra is a fantastic preamp   
Amps on top?
I hit the lottery and bought a used BDI rack for $100.     It is heavy gauge steel and Birch ply.    It is strong.   I have my tube amp on the top shelf ,  plenty of space around it.   Preamp is below , with a shelf removed so it has plenty of spa... 
Digital Dilemma
I will second the DH Labs Mirage USB.    Excellent cable   
Amps on top?
My Amp is on top.   Tube amps need ventilation.   If it was really heavy I would get an amp stand and put it on the floor.     
Should headphones be plugged in when tube headphone amp is on?
I would say yes, I never turn on my Quicksilver Headphone amp without phones plugged in.     Its OK to swap a jack when its on real quick but I never leave it on or power up without a load  
RME adi2 DAC fs bass settings
Are you using a sub?  What model KEF?  
Phono pre amp suggestion
I just picked up a Sutherland KC Vibe, sounds great.   Using it with Sota Escape, Origin Live Silver Arm and Ortofon 2m Bronze.     
Looking for high power warming sounding tube amps
V4 is a great amp.  It can use a few different tubes which helps when it’s time to re-tube.   You can not go wrong with a Quicksilver.   Huge bang for the buck   
Looking for high power warming sounding tube amps
Unfortunately many high power tube amps use KT120 and KT150 which are tough to get.      
300b lovers
I took a leap of faith and had a 300b built without ever hearing one.   It has none of the “cons” often associated with generic descriptions of the tube type.    No mushy lows, rolled off highs.   It all has to do with the design and parts used..... 
Whats playing on your system today?
Morphine  " Cure for Pain"