

Responses from oddiofyl

Can a Bluesound Node's Streamer Be Bypassed and be used as an External Dac?
So are you using a format that is only 16/44k?   Most of those early DACs were not even capable of a full 16 bits of resolution anyway.   Digital has come a long way, if you are auditioning the N200 and can exchange it for an A200 I am sure you wo... 
Lumin U2 Mini
DAC.    Not SAC  
Lumin U2 Mini
My N200 has no DAC.   USB and COAX out only    I have used it with my RME SAC and it sound great in my headphone rig  
New Klipsch Forte IV
Is it me or are these Ugly?     
Can a Bluesound Node's Streamer Be Bypassed and be used as an External Dac?
Just wondering,  what DAC are you using?  
Lumin U2 Mini
I’m using the N200 with the excellent sounding LAB 12 DAC 1 Reference.   Great pairing.   I have until June to trade the LAB 12 toward something 2x as much, but honestly I think I’m going to keep it for a while.    
Lumin U2 Mini
Hi    Designsfx , I never had the Lumin but i was seriously considering it.   I was able to leverage a trade toward the N200 that was such a good deal I couldn't pass.       I love the Aurender , it is a great machine.          The Lumin looks... 
DecWare 300B amp
Just following this thread.....recently had an amp built, but thank you.  
Conrad Johnson owners : Free cover screws
They fit Classic 2 preamps and probably most CJ .   They are #6-32 which i think Connie J has been using  for years.   The more common 80° countersunk type do not sit flush with the cover.   I searched high and low for the correct one and these we... 
DecWare 300B amp
Haven't heard either , but a number of people have already changed their order.....they have plenty of time to save .  So it's already happening .   I hope it's great, $6000 all in is a decent amount of money but this is a crazy hobby.  
Conrad Johnson owners : Free cover screws
Sorry sent them out already.     They have them here in 1/4" length          
DecWare 300B amp
I think any good amp sounds best with a great preamp.   My amp has gain for each channel but I think it sounds poor without a preamp.   It's not horrible but it is dramatically better with a really good pre.    The DAC with volume guys are missin... 
DecWare 300B amp
I have to say , brilliant move by Decware.   Let’s launch a 300b and hopefully UFO84 buyers will convert their order to the 300b while waiting in queue.       If I was on the list , I would do that.  It gives ample time to save for the amp you pr... 
Buying Equipment Based on Philosophy???
I pay respect to the design approach.   I like simple , point to point designs and wanted something DHT that only had one tube per channel , a true SET This was never more true than when I commissioned an amp to be built.   After some phone discu... 
DecWare 300B amp
Looks nice ....  Im having a pre built with those Khozmo encoder / relay volume controls.    Great looking amp