

Responses from oddiofyl

What does "balanced triodes" refer to as related to vacuum tubes?
Spot on Mulveling....   I will now pay a few extra bucks for matched triodes with dual triode small signal tubes.    They are almost always more uniform,  and test better than just buying un-matched/ un-graded tubes.      I bought a Hickok tester... 
When CDs first came onto the market in 1982 .......
My first player was a Sony CDP 101.   It sounded like crap compared to today's players.    I remember for about 4 months I could barely find any titles I liked.    That player was $1000 in late 1982/1983......  I think I paid $600 as an open box ... 
Aurender N200 Streamer Compatibility with Deezer HIFI
Yes but you can download and play content off line.  I have regular Qobuz   
Aurender N200 Streamer Compatibility with Deezer HIFI
Anything less than Tidal HiFi Plus or Qobuz then you are wasting your money on the Aurender. Or any other high $$$ hi rez streamer .....  
Quicksilver with Walnut Faceplates at Aural HiFi
Johnny is a great guy to deal with.   I bought my Quicksilver Headphone amp from him.     Quicksilver is a high value proposition.   I ran my Mid Monos with a Zesto Leto preamp and I could not believe how good those amps sounded.  Totally not out ... 
Totally Ridiculous....Auditions on YouTube!
Dumbest thing ever.....they are doing that now over at Decware...... and saying how great it sounds   
Don’t buy used McCormack DNA 1990s amps
The SMc mods are extensive and probably uses a new input board       
Musetec Audio MH-DA005 ES9038 Pro x2 DAC VS the Lab12 dac1 reference Tube Hybrid Dac
No experience with the Musitech but the LAB 12 is a great sounding DAC.    I have until June to trade it toward something 2x the price and I am pretty sure I will hang on to it for a while .    It is good.  
Help - Mystery Hum that starts at my Streamer
If you have a Cat 8 cable swap it out for a Cat 6    The Cat 8 cables are grounded via the metal connector.   I was told that Cat 8 can cause problems with ground loop in some situations   
Streamer upgrade? follow up.
“This is great ad for Aurender N200 which I will never ever spend my money on  what’s the op experience coming to streaming?  Aurender , auralic is a joke  they are the first streamer/ dac recommended by 99% of people here and most of this guy... 
Streamer upgrade? follow up.
If your system has a bottleneck south of the streamer,  you will never reach the streamer’s full potential.      I only will recommend something if I have used it first hand, own it, demo’d it or used it in some capacity  I can recommend the N20... 
Steamer upgrade? Follow up follow up
My Aurender N200 takes the computer out of " computer audio" , it makes it so easy to stream,  play music files from anywhere on my network...  thumb drive , ext HDD , built in SDD .   That alone is worth the cost to me.   Add great sound , great ... 
2023 Audio System Wish List
I am having a preamp built,  that's my last piece to the puzzle for a while.   Maybe another set of DH Labs RCA cables.....  
Why are so many people spending so much money to build “perfect” streaming system?
I got out of work early....   listened to a crappy car stereo all day.    First thing I did was fire up my system to decompress a little.   I'm listening to a Playlist that my Aurender compiled of tracks I chose on Qobuz,  Tidal, and some tracks o... 
Why are so many people spending so much money to build “perfect” streaming system?
I started streaming with a Bluesound Vault 2i.  That machine literally changed my life...    Worth every penny.    Buy a Node if you don't need to rip CDs.   I paired it with a DAC and three DACs later I pulled the trigger on an Aurender N200 Ag...