

Responses from oddiofyl

Quicksilver with Walnut Faceplates at Aural HiFi
Yeah. He is one of the most no BS guys in the biz...others should take note. I love my Mid Monos.   I am on the fence whether to sell or keep since taking them out of service. They are such a great value.   I'd be hard pressed to find better for ... 
Quicksilver with Walnut Faceplates at Aural HiFi
I doubt Mike will change anything for aesthetic reasons and I’m surprised he’s on board with the wood.      Great amps though plain or in walnut   
Hybrid Tube Preamp - Loud Pops and Crackles
Personally I would order a pair of JJ 12au7 from somewhere like Tube Depot.  Pay a few dollars for matched tubes plus screened for noise and you will either solve the problem or at least be sure it’s not the tubes.      Could be loose tube socket... 
New DAC or New Streamer?
I agree with Charlesdad….  If you stream a lot , the Streamer is very important as it is akin to a CD transport.   Can you imagine pairing a $5000 DAC with a Coby DVD player as your transport?   It will work but you just inserted a major bottle ne... 
Help recommend a good tube preamp
Good choice, enjoy   
Streamer upgrade? follow up.
I optically isolated my digital gear cheaply and effectively by using TP Link' s 2210MP Jetstream switch and two MC220L Media Converters with SFP fiber optic Converters  One for my Vault 2i and one for my Aurender N200.    Cost around $250 for eve... 
Streamer upgrade? follow up.
If you plan on storing music the Samsung EVO drives work great.     I put a 4 TB one in and am moving my music there as time allows.   You can move files there super easy with a PC / Mac.     
Streamer upgrade? follow up.
Enjoy !   I have had a N200 for a few months now and it is awesome.   Support is awesome too.    No regrets here other than not doing it sooner   
Aurender N10 display issue
I’m so glad I bought an Aurender too.  The support is really incredible.     
New DAC or New Streamer?
I believe it all starts at the top of the chain.  I think spending money on a great preamp is one of the best moves you can make.  I think the source is equally important.      I bought the N200 knowing it won’t be the potential bottleneck if I u... 
New DAC or New Streamer?
I recently got an Aurender N200.   It’s an awesome machine.   I’m using it with a LAB 12  DAC 1 Reference and it is a great sounding combo.   Has none of the nasties often associated with digital playback.    I bought the DAC after a short demo. ... 
Best DACs under $7,000.00
Let’s be honest, for many including myself $7k is a lot of coin.   I would suggest checking out LAB 12’s DAC 1 Reference for half the money.  It is a great sounding DAC  if you don’t need DSD or MQA.          
What can I do between the wall and my streamer/DAC?
I use a TP Link Ethernet over AC adapter.   It works great.   I used to have one made by Netgear and it was noisy.   The TP Link works great.    Unfortunately I can't run hard wire from my router so it's the only way for me I needed a switch so I... 
Wiggle kt170 base
If the glass envelope is not glued to the base well the tube could be compromised and could prematurely loose vacuum.  If the silver getter turns white that’s what’s going on   
Wiggle kt170 base
Any play in the tube’s base / glass , you should get rid of that tube immediately.   If the tube is loose in the socket the socket’s holes need to be re-tensioned.  They are not gripping the pin well.   This can potentially be harmful and should a...