

Responses from oddiofyl

Stereophile Scamming Subscribers?
"Interesting, audiophiles spend thousands of dollars on a continuing quest for the best sound, while also complaining about $2.75 a month for a related magazine." That's funny, but true  
Early Impressions of Lab12 Integre4
I picked that amp up.  It’s hefty.   You definitely made a wise choice.   The build quality is excellent as is the 5 year warranty that you will likely never have to worry about using.   You will enjoy its different personalities if you change tub... 
Early Impressions of Lab12 Integre4
I have a LAB 12 DAC 1 Reference and when I first got it I had a hard time describing how special it sounds. It is built like a tank. When I demo’d the DAC it was with the preamp and Soura amp. I listened for probably a half hour and I knew that D... 
Digital gain vs analog gain
If my DAC has gain like my RME , I will experiment with the output voltage and set the volume to "0dB " on the DAC and use the preamp volume ,     For most RCA installs I had that DAC set to +5 dBu and it put out about 2 v to my Preamp.    Set it... 
Streamer matching to system
I love my Aurender.   Upscale has a few models on sale now   
Recommendations for good sounding streamer
Node all the way...  the Vault 2i  ( Node's cousin) was my introduction to streaming and it literally changed my life.    I've enjoyed for three years ,  like deadhead1000 I spent $5k to better it.   Best value in streamers in my opinion.  Continu... 
Denafrips 12 anniversary
“Not saying anything is junk?..you said it was garbage if we are being exact...you got called out and now your trying to back track on all the foolishness you wrote..”   Missiongoonery…. I never said that, read the post. I quoted someone.    
Denafrips 12 anniversary
$6500 - $ 7500 ?   That is egregious,  especially for what it cost them to build.  It’s the definition of greed   
ATI 4000
They make great amps.  They also are the OEM for several big names in audio.  Good stuff  
Network Acoustics Eno Streaming System vs SGC Optical Isolation System
Here's how I optically isolated my system TP  Link.    TL! SG2210P.   10 port switch with 2 SFP slots  TP Link      MC220L.  Media convertor ( two)    (4)  10g SFP  modules 2 LC fiber optic cables  This switch allowed me to have a separate fi... 
Ditching Class A Amps due to Heat - Sort of a Poll
I'm open minded to the latest technology,  I would like to try a GaN amp to see what they sound like.    It wouldn't displace my current amp , it would be for a second system in another room that in all honesty would get more use   
Denafrips 12 anniversary
Not saying anything is junk , but most of it is way overpriced.    I used the RME as an example because it’s packed with technology and affordable    would you rather have a German car or a Chinese car?    
Denafrips 12 anniversary
“Chifi trying to get US manufacturers prices for garbage. I’d never buy any audio equipment made in China. What garbage. “ Anyone who has ever been in the biz knows what a $6000 Chinese DAC costs to build. About 1/10 it’s price  If that    $600 U... 
Ditching Class A Amps due to Heat - Sort of a Poll
Amps that sound great will always have a following, whether they run hot or are ridiculously inefficient.      I like tubes but if I didn’t own tubes I would definitely look at a low powered Class A amp.      Years ago I borrowed a Pass Aleph.  ... 
Hi-end audio is a big zero
There are still some good dealers out there . Audio Visual Therapy in Nashua NH, Natural Sound in Framingham, Goodwin’s Waltham.... When I was young there was an audio dealer on every corner in Boston it seemed. Now they are few and far between. ...