Responses from ozzy62
Seeking Hi-Fi DJ for Daughter's Wedding. @whitecap The only "snot nosed chirping" you got was from @secretguy , and that's just his snotty nature. It comes out all the time. Even if you could find such a "hi-fi" DJ, you'd be the only one at the wedding who gives a crap. And that's ... | |
Audiogon seller's question Well, I'm not the buyer. So there's that..... | |
Audiogon seller's question Once the offer was accepted, the buyer's contact information (email and phone) were available to me. As well as my info to him. | |
Audiogon seller's question @ghasley You are right. All you have to do is keep your paypal transaction receipt for the item when purchased and the item when sold. It's still a pain in the a&&, but doable. So the guy came through on his offer. I plan to have a phone... | |
Audiogon seller's question Looks like it’s not going to matter. The guy ghosted me after I accepted the offer. | |
Audiogon seller's question @jetter You are correct. Once I accepted the offer we both get to view contact phone numbers. I haven't had a response yet from the buyer, so hopefully we can connect and work it out. The "no feedback" part makes me a little nervous, as it sh... | |
VPI Industries---Love the Company as Much as their Turntables Do you mean record cleaning machines? | |
Add a subwoofer? I have owned Cornwall IVs and LaScala IIs. It is true that you need a big(er) sub to keep up with the 15” drivers. Although I ended up going with HSU, the owner of Rhythmik steered me away from a pair of 12” subs. I bought a pair of ULS 15 II sub... | |
Quality of recording while evaluating speakers @emergingsoul It's amusing how you put together all these cryptic threads posing hypothetical questions, but you are very close to the cuff when talking about what actually comprises your own system. I guess you just like to keep people in the d... | |
I want to buy new speakers for 50,000 and see it used for 30,000, what should I do? Well good. More of you should act like you "get it" instead of feeding the troll. | |
I want to buy new speakers for 50,000 and see it used for 30,000, what should I do? It's what most are to each other around here, more or less strangers, so that's just the terms under which we mingle. Nonetheless we should be able to gain from the experience and opinions of others. @phusis Understood. And that is usually t... | |
I want to buy new speakers for 50,000 and see it used for 30,000, what should I do? Don't worry folks. No 50K speakers will be harmed (or purchased!) due to the results of this thread. | |
Deals Gone Bad It’s a shame that your federal government has forced everyone away from PayPal. Then again, PayPal is complicit in this theft. | |
Borresen X3 vs Harbeth 40.2 -- my impressions I’m glad that @helomech and @arafiq could find some common and cordial ground. I enjoy reading posts by both of these members. | |
JBL's Marketing Blunder.. Most Gen Z are clueless. Might be pretty accurate. |