

Responses from passet02

Speakers with the most detailed midrange? (non-ESL/planar)
That will depend a lot on your cables ,interconnects and amp selection . Just as much as speaker selection. 
Pass labs xa25 amp and BW 804 d3?
Going to need more power , Try the DK intergrated amp 
Magicos are chesty
Audiophiles and Men like chesty speakers and ladies . Its the American way ! 
Best integrated up to $6000
A new DK all the way  
Integrated amplifier search
DK all the way  
Best speakers for $300/pr
I will second the spica t-50 s with a sub woofer 
Best bookshelf speakers
Dynaudio 1 C, end of story . I had those speakers hooked up tp the DK intergrated amp . a Ayre cd  sounded like bullets going by me  
Speaker Recommendation: 20K range
Cerwin Vega XL 15 or Dynaudio  C 1 speakers  
best preamps
I found BAT make very good  pre amps or the best pre amp Balanced Audio , But there not cheap second hand would be a better deal  
I had the same experience with ' HIGH END PALACE " in Florida . Word of the wise . do not ship your stereo componets for trades or cash . Once they have your equipment there attitude changes for the worse . Thats no B.S.  Karl  
Best used integrated for under $5000
The Best ? DK amp under 5 grand new or used  
Road trip to demo $10,000 speakers
Help with advice for high end speaker cables for my system!
Best speaker cables?   Home Depot has them . 
"The End of The Road"
End of road ? Invest your money in real estate .Buy a DK amp used Dynaudio  C 1 speakers used Ayre Cd player  Decent cables Kimber or Purist  
Best used speakers under $10000
how about Cerwin Vega XL-15 . Look nice, sound like there under water