

Responses from passet02

How do you move HEAVY speakers with sharp spikes without lifting?
Home Depot Put wheels on them.  
Integrated Amp to match with Magico A3
DK used powerfull and fast.second hand for a grand 
Integrated Amp to match with Magico A3
Go with the DK amp second hand 1500 bucks end of story .I had one with Dynaudio C 1 speakers Ayre CD player  It blew my wig clear off and my date left the house. 
How do I find an audio advisor who does home consultations?
If you have a lot of $$$  there are plenty of consultations , not that they what there talking about  
New Adcom 👀585 SE. anybody heard this monster
I say what ? Just answer the question . Has any heard this amp . Yes or no  F--k the other S--t. Jesus Christ  
price of Oppo players threw the roof
If you think 1100 bucks is threw the roof , have you seen prices of the others ? 
What makes a speaker sound great at low volume?
What makes a good speaker sound good at low volumes ?  "" A good Speaker"" and listen to it ! 
Just got ruined by a pair of Treo CTs
Try the new JBL L-100 speakers 4 Grand  
Best Rocking Speakers 15K and Under
I heard the new JBL L-100 speakers spend the rest on your cables and units . Very dynamic and 3 d .  
Try the Soulution 540 Cd player  
Best of the best Integrated amps in 2018
Try a used DK amp. At reasonable cost I have my hooked to the Dynaudio C1 speakers . Only real complaint is the back round hiss noise at quiet music. 
Best of the best Integrated amps in 2018
When I win the lottery , I will look into those brands . 
New D'Agostino Monoblocks...$250,000
1/4 mill. I go with two prostitutes and a six pack  listen to a Bose radio call it a night ! 
What's happened to the used high end market recently?? Sales are tough....:0(
See those prices ! You can buy a Mecedes Bens or a Audi 5 down payment on a house get back your money down the road  
What used speakers raraely come up for sale
Martin Logan  SL3,JBL 4311Spica 50B&W 805 Candlewood speakers out of  production