Responses from pdreher
Altec Lansing Model 19 I've tried many amps with 19's. The Cary SLI 80HS in triode with EL34's is a synergistic match. Despite the 19's high efficiency rating, I've tried 3 SET amps, none of which worked well. | |
What Horn loaded speaker/ speaker system for $10k'ish and under @ozzy62 Any regrets replacing the Lascala's with Verity PO's? | |
JA Pulsars vs Harbeth 30.2 @bjesien you've had a lot of good speakers. Are the Harbeth's now your primary speakers? What version C7 did you buy? | |
To all you Cary SLI 80 owners, I'm looking for tube suggestions @immatthewj I recall Roger Modjeski telling me they are Shuguang made to mimic NOS Mullard sound quality. @clio09 may want to weigh in to confirm. I don't recommend Mullard re-issues, as I found them to be bland and soft when used in a Music Re... | |
To all you Cary SLI 80 owners, I'm looking for tube suggestions @immatthewj yes to both questions. I've purchased tubes from RAM Labs multiple times dating back to 2017 when I acquired a Music Reference RM9 MKII amp. I recently purchased a back up quad of their EL34's as they are that good and a tremendou... | |
To all you Cary SLI 80 owners, I'm looking for tube suggestions BTW, Cary said to keep bias < 50mA when using EL34's. | |
To all you Cary SLI 80 owners, I'm looking for tube suggestions I prefer RAM Labs EL34's over RFT EL34's and Gold Lion KT88's. The RAM Labs are a steal @ $140 for a quad. Using NOS Amperex 7308's and TungSol 6SN7WGT's from Brent Jessie. | |
Need suggestions on preamp DeHavilland Ultraverve or Mercury both available on US Audiomart. Tube roll to tailor the sound to your liking. Point to point wiring and very well made. | |
$8k for speakers - new or used Based upon the McIntosh gear you aspire to own, I agree with the suggestions of Revel Salon 2, Magnepan 3.7i, and JBL, and would add Sonus Faber (various models) and Joseph Audio Perspective to your list. | |
Quick question for the Cables Don't Make a Difference Crowd. I acknowledge cables can sound different, with some better than others, subjective to system synergy. But after 35 + years in the hobby and spending thousands in cables, I've acquired enough first hand experience to know I no longer have to spend... | |
Harbeth 40.3 and 40.2 Anniversary It's been a while since I've owned Harbeth 40 series, but fwiw, I preferred 40.1's (owned them twice) to 40.2 Anniversaries. I assumed the 40.2 Annie's had to be better vs. the predecessor... and even the reviews said it was better, but I never ... | |
Is there Tannoy Magic / Should I buy a pair of Tannoys as "accessory" speaker? @immatthewj , @pehare is a long time owner of Tannoy Sterlings and may want to weigh in on as to whether or not Sterlings are finicky with regards to placement. | |
Differences between Harbeth, Spendor, Graham, etc. ? If you are patient, you can find Spendor SP100's for < $3,000 and SP1/2e's for < $2,000. Hifishark.com is a good site to keep tabs of used listings. The Spendor's would look great in your beautiful craftsmen home... and both are efficient ... | |
Differences between Harbeth, Spendor, Graham, etc. ? I don’t know that you can simply compare brands, as my experiences with three different Harbeth models (I owned all of them) would imply there can be considerable variations within a given brand: Harbeth Super HL5: fast, clean, but thin soundin... | |
Audio Research versus McIntosh tube amps: anyone experience or compare both? @bobbydd I have owned several VAC amps... the least favorite of which was a Phi 200. It was well built, but the sound quality was disappointing for the price paid. McIntosh MC275 MKV was superior. Both the ARC Ref 75SE and the McIntosh MC275... |