
Responses from puerto

Upgrading iTunes Artwork
Thanks to all for the instruction: It works! Inwanw: I use two sources for the artwork: Amazon Music and seekacover.com. Both seem to have good quality stuff. If I'm not totally happy with one image I switch to the other site for comparison. That'... 
Upgrading iTunes Artwork
Sidssp: OK! I got it - your advice was perfect. Now I will be up all night upgrading iTunes artwork - your fault! 
Upgrading iTunes Artwork
Sidssp: Thank you! I just now did "upgrade" one bit of artwork but am struggling with the second one. . it just doesn't want to change! I'll get it - you have me on the right track!! I'm following your input on the other thread as well. Your expla... 
How do you download music from a Windows XP to
I am using a MAC and have the latest edition of iTunes. What does it mean that Mac can read "NTFS disk and read/write FAT32 disk? I get the rest of the comments . . which I appreciate. To clear it up further, the plan is buy a Drobo with sufficien... 
How is your power bill?
I think that the balanced interconnect between liberals and conservatives needs some repair - a certain level of distortion is now readily discernable as the clarity and resonance of the presentation is fading. . Maybe I'm sitting too far to the r... 
You know you're an audiophile if--
And collectively the room full of toothless Audiogoners respond: "Hi Nuts" 
You know you're an audiophile if--
You simply cannot relax in your music room without being tormented with thoughts such as: "Can we raise the ceiling? What if the room were just 3 feet wider" Geez, why didn't I take the time to run those cables under the floor? This lighting sucks... 
How is your power bill?
HAHAHAHAHA! Good one Albert! 
How is your power bill?
Albert - Well put! 
How is your power bill?
I don't recall asking for input on Obama OR Bush in my original thread but I do have to agree with Albert - not sure about the "running for office" thing just yet though. I'll wait for Rush and Keith to weigh in first!! 
what is the theory behind maple stands and racks?
I don't know about Mapleshade but I purchased some 1.75" thick maple butcher block counter top pieces from Grizzley and cut it up to fit my components. Seems to work just fine. To be fair though, I have not done A/B tests with other materials or w... 
You know you're an audiophile if--
Shadorne: Keep these responses. They are worth gold to the right entertainer. 
How is your power bill?
I wonder if any of the rest of us has gone on to purchase a different audio product because of power consumption concerns like guidocorona. My hat is off to him/her. It's a smart choice, all things considered - I think that for most of us, it is l... 
How is your power bill?
The cap and trade program is projected to cost the American family an additional $3100 per year on top of what they already pay for utilities. Even some Democrats are backing away from that. We should not be penalized for using the only sources of... 
Baby name opinion....
How about "Audiophilia" Nahhh!